Tuesday, April 26, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - Ghost World, Ebertfest, & ThePoeticCritic’s Summertime Sadness

NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast

Episode 65: Ghost World, Ebertfest, & ThePoeticCritic’s Summertime Sadness (Maybe they just need Rivermen Hockey to get over the apathy.).

Cats and Glasses are the only use for Snapchat

Ghost World, Ebertfest, & ThePoeticCritic’s Summertime Sadness

April 26, 2022

Cool Movie Darth has finally attended Ebertfest when he saw the Terry Zwigoff and Thora Birch hosted screening of "Ghost World". It may have only been to one of the 13 shows, but this is a movie that has an important place in his life, regardless of the extra 20 minutes. He does his best to describe the experience to his big sister, ThePoeticCritic, perhaps to distract her from the remaining month of cinema lacking Jeff Goldblum.

Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective. 

If only there was not a bitter, former coworker from Marine Bank who decided to report my blog to frustrated management, I could probably have afforded the $200 admission fee to attend all the films at Ebertfest. I mean Seymour and Enid may have only had their lives ruined due to incidental circumstances. This is the "libertarian" who watched Telegram videos next to me and stated how she thought Bernie Sanders was a fascist and J.K. Rowling knows what she is talking about.

She had found a new job, closer to her home with comparable pay, but to be truly happy, she went out of her way to try and ruin my life. For her sake, IDES better side with me on my appeal of Marine Bank's protest because the world need to be warned of her. If you have suggestions on how to provide her with a scarlet letter, let me know.

DazedDigital.com - Ghost World: the ultimate teen girl outsider film
DazedDigital.com - Ghost World: the ultimate teen girl outsider film

So I may have been in the right mood to see the cinematic adaptation of Daniel Clowes's seminal comic book. If you feel like the rest of the world does not care about how awful they can look, this feature is for you. It lets you know, you are not the only one out there. The dilemma is, should we grow out of this?

When I was introduced to this film in 2004 by my now estranged best friend, both of us may have ignored the question. Or, we just wanted to know why we had to change to fit in instead of the dim ones. It is a story about growing up, and whether or not if it is worth it.

I had intended to at least stick around Champaign/Urbana on Saturday to catch Guillermo del Toro's presentation of the black and white version of his "Nightmare Alley" remake, but my dad offered me a ticket to the Peoria Rivermen's Southern Professional Hockey League's semi-final series conclusion. This ended up being a more expensive endeavor. How was I suppose to know that they would be selling limited edition "Star Wars" hockey sweaters?

The true payoff of my trip back to the Heart of Illinois (at least for the Podcast) is getting to practice my subtlety in getting ThePoeticCritic to chat about movies for a half hour. This all started about her reveling in "The Truman Show" getting featured at Cannes 75. We talked about how that was weird since the most influential film that actually was shown at the festival in 1998 was Roberto Benigni's "Life Is Beautiful".

She is still a little bitter about of that Oscar win while Jim Carrey has never received a nomination. Only the unifying theory could help her understand it. That is at least my explanation to why Roberto got the Oscar. He was fun at one point.

From there, we go back to trying to figure out how bad the Marvel Cinematic Universe is for cinema. The two of us take new paths in this analysis. Should artist be holding up the advancement of the MCU or is just making a living based on their creations enough? Do we need 20 years between phases like we had between "Star Wars" trilogies?

For TPC, Marvel cannot amuse her without the Grandmaster. Cinema is sad without Jeff Goldblum seems to be her stance. She is a historian, so there are plenty of movies she needs to watch, but she is a Sex Pistol when it comes to the future of cinema. NO FUTURE. NO FUTURE. NO FUTURE FOR YOU. Just "Jurassic World Dominion".

Thankfully, @ThatWeissGuy to Twitter to make out of context songs a thing. It that kind of distraction that will still make Musk's new toy worthwhile.

Follow me on Twitter @catbusruss. If you want to be on the show, contact me on Twitter or send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com. All we need is a theme, movie, director, or actor and a focus on sub 100-minute material. As long as the credits start before the 1:39:59 mark on the runtime bar, the movie qualifies.


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