Tuesday, December 6, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast: The Menu...And a Call For More Streaming

 NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast

The Menu...And a Call For More Streaming (and ThePoeticCritic on "Silent Night, Bloody Night").

Skimble ponders if good food is worth death?

The Menu…And a Call For More Streaming

December 6, 2022

Cool Movies Darth thinks it was quite appropriate that he had to endure 20 minutes of technical difficulties to watch "The Menu". Surviving the experience was very similar to seeing if Ralph Fiennes was serious about killing everyone at the conclusion of the meal. That is a bit of hyperbole, but it really nails down why the cinema experience might be overrated. Fortunately, enduring the ordeal was worthwhile, and CM Darth would like to try and sell you on checking this flick out.

Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective.

I went to the cinema to see a John Leguizamo film. With the holiday season, "Violent Night", the Santa as John McClane picture, seemed appropriate, but the runtime was 1:52. 12 minutes of credits seemed to be unlikely, so I chose "The Menu" with its 1:47 runtime. If there was not a stinger after the credits, it might qualify for the podcast (My math says it does.). Without a guest for the show like I had hoped, covering a current film in theaters is the best I could offer to make up for two weeks of me carrying the show.

With that said, I have determined that I just need to find a cohost for two weeks of the month. There will be invitations sent out to people I have had on the show that I think fit my attitudes. If you want to apply, send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com. We could do both recordings in one night. The only issue with that is that I will be more shitfaced than usual.

The best thing about this proposition is that I will not expect you to put any money down to see movies at the cinema. No one should need to be stuck in a cinema when a power surge occurs while they are trying to determine if a film's narrative concludes in 100-minutes. Unless there is a complete power outage in a neighborhood, a reboot of the modem should not take that long to get back to your movie.

On top of that, iTunes, Disney+, and Prime Video keep track of the time during a feature. No one should deal with the cinematic hypocrisy of not shutting your phone off because you need to let the stop watch run to make sure the movie qualifies for this show. It is a rule I hate breaking. Hell, I go to the cinema to have a reason to shut off my phone.

So, yes. I will be ripping into the multiplex where this experience occurred. The power surge knocked out all the screens. As I said, it took 20 minutes to resolve, but I was stuck in a theater with Central Illinois residents. There is nothing worst than Podunk people complaining. They even shot down a well formed joke (from myself) about how we should not be so pissy.

So it may not be the cinema staff that is telling me to abandon the cinema experience. It may not be the pretention of Christopher Nolan saying movies need to be seen on the big screen when we all know that your narrative needs special effects and gimmicks to cover up its flaws. It is the people in the cinemas being rude and unappreciative of the film and the people trying to provide you the experience.

If anything, this inspires me to further bust my ass to make money. I need my own dedicated cinema room. Space for a 166" inch screen maybe all I really want out of life.

Pardon me for not taking the time to sell "The Menu" in this blog post. It is a film where you anticipate a grand ending. This film delivers and was worth $20 instead of waiting for it on Hulu. I just want to do my best to not to spoil it. Dare I say, I might be a little bit like Nicholas Hoult's foodie character. To say anymore, would be a spoiler.

And hopefully this episode is not spoiled. To hedge my bet, I have got a two-minute conversation with my big sister, ThePoeticCritic, to discuss an early slasher movie "Silent Night, Bloody Night". It is fun to see her embrace the low budget, early Cannon work, but should she have had that much fun? We discuss.

Follow me on Twitter @catbusruss. If you want to be on the show, contact me on Twitter or send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com. All we need is a theme, movie, director, or actor and a focus on sub 100-minute material. As long as the credits start before the 1:39:59 mark on the runtime bar, the movie qualifies.

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