Monday, January 6, 2025

"See No Evil 2:" Will There be 12 Rounds for Kane?

I must say, I have not been in much of a mood for writing lately. If you're a loyal reader (a possibility) you've probably taken note. Worry not, there have been blogs written, they're just real downers. When you're having enough issues feeling down, you question whether or not the wallowing should be spread.

Perhaps that's why Iowans' love their pig gestation crates. Confines where movement is prohibited maybe hellish, but at least the shit stays in the same place.

After the negative, figuratively vocal, reaction to my last blog, it felt my opinions on wrestling were not wanted. Hind sight, I should have just addressed Matt Cage about it since his first gimmick started with ironic awareness of the meaning of the rebel flag, but I digress.

Two weeks later, opinions about the topic of race relations in wrestling was at its highest demand, but when you just assume that Christian Rose, Moondog Bernard/Mr. Bernard, Gavin Alexander, etc. would deny my sincerity because they feel it's a non-issue, did I really want unwarranted hate sent my way? They may not be racist, like Hulk Hogan was in 2007, but they are definitely hateful. I suppose the Confederate Flag just rallies hate, it just needs an outlet to be exposed.

Soska Sister's 3rd Feature
Now, I'll digress. Maybe I should post the unpublished blog "Wrestlers Only Read when Hate May Be Involved" just to draw their eyes to this movie review.

This blog probably will not be posted until the next episode of "Raw." Hopefully, when I get Fridays at the hotel, I'll be able to publicize these more. In this case, I want to see if I'll cool down more from the commentary of two undeserving, talent-free guys who are getting to pursue my passion.

It may not be the depression and alienation that's making writing a chore, it's the grudges. If I find out either is a White Sox fan, I may have to fuck them up out of principle. Too much sin.

Sorry it took seven paragraphs to get to a transition, but it may have been fate, a paragraph per deadly sin.

See No Evil 2:

It would be spoiling the previous film if I was to theorize how Jacob Goodnight (Isaac Yankem DDS) survived his comeuppances (I'm thinking the sterile substance from the only joke in the first film that was administered to his most noticeable wound prevented any infection), but he is definitely going to need a few hours to recuperate. A morgue maybe the ideal spot for him to regain his strength. There should not be too much noise to disturb him during the graveyard shift. Unfortunately, he ends up at the one where the noble Amy works.

When it comes to selflessness, no one can beat Amy. Because of the eight victims from the Blackwell Hotel were sent their way, she decides to for go with the birthday bar hopping to help out Seth and Holden. And for her selflessness, she has great friends, who Holden invites to the human freezer to throw a surprise party for her, complete with a makeshift bar.

Twenty-somethings and alcohol can only lead to one thing, sin. That's something Jacob doesn't need to deal with on top of his injuries and mourning the loss of his mother. If any of these kids decide to have sex on the examining table next to him, he may finally realize that he must become the hand of God that mommy raised him to be.

"See No Evil 2" is the first feature length film that Jen and Sylvia Soska did not write. With two low-budget classics to these auteur's credit ("Dead Hooker in a Trunk" and "American Mary"), it is easy to expect an inferior product since the pen is out of their hand. Fortunately, Nathan Brookes and Bobby Lee Darby seem to have an idea who would direct this feature, so despite it is not a Twisted Twins script, it seemed to be catered to their talents. It still does not show an appreciation to all of their kich, but it at least makes the feature fun unlike its predecessor.

The story allows itself to be goofy, and since this is a film starring a wrestler, that is something that should not be avoided. It comes across as an homage to the high teenage body count films of the 80's and is playful in relying on classic horror and Warner Bros. cliches. Katherine Isabelle of "Ginger Snaps" and "American Mary" fame is excellently cast in this feature since her most notable features are very much about this attitude. If you have never truly taken the American gore genre seriously, which I rarely do, you will not be wasting 90 minutes of your life.

Of course the film has faults. Outside the billed talents and the two male coroners, there is not much great acting displayed in the performances. The limited environment for the story to play out in hinders the film's aesthetic. At least with the first film of the franchise, a mysterious hotel allowed for surprising environments for the characters. Being in a normal building with low ceilings, the surprises only have one spot to appear, right in front of the characters.

The most notable flaws are with the script. It eventually abandons logic and vulnerabilities of the villain, so you may not care about how he can be defeated. Because the Soska's are not allowed to utilize over-the-top-gore, you start to feel indifferent about the death scenes. If it had one scene that was equivalent to the semi-truck arm-severing scene from "Dead Hooker in a Trunk," this could be forgiven. Goodnight's franchise can still have life in it, but these mistakes remove the personality of the draw. Ironic because allowing Goodnight more dialogue and methodical thought patterns was a strength of the film.

"See No Evil 2" may not be a horror classic, but it is amusing enough to give a chance. It also shows that the WWE can build something out of a total let down, if the right minds are behind it. If WWE give the Soskas more control of a sequel, this franchise can only get better. Perhaps the Twisted Twins should manage Roman Reigns.

With the incite presented in this blog, perhaps you'll be inspired to offer your services in my creative effort to promote the production of my screenplay, "Main Event of the Dead."

The "Main Event of the Dead" Test Reel Needs:
  • Someone with some makeup or special effects experience.
  • The true antagonist of the feature is a woman, so an actress to set up the premise of "Main Event of the Dead."
  • Three or four wrestlers to take the finishing moves.
  • One or two wrestlers to deliver the moves.
  • A wrestling ring with a canvas that can afford to be left a little messy. If we can get extra from the crowd-funding campaign, we'll make replacing it a priority.
Since this is an effort to try and make this feature a reality, I can really only afford to compensate what ever is spent to make this video. I am willing to negotiate terms on what compensation will be for performances before the reel goes online. If whatever raised can cover the compensation agreed to, even if I do not reach the goal to produce the film, compensation will be had.

If you need a treatment of the script for "Main Event of the Dead" please e-mail me at

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