If it does not involve pro-wrestling, this is Russ Stevens's effort to create the one stop blog for movies that are cut to the ideal run-time, 90 minutes. This blog may feature films that may range from 71 minutes to 1 hour 40 minutes, but 101 minutes and up are too long. An hour and a half can justify cutting a film into two chapters and a book into three. Hobbits and Katniss have too many ending, consider this an effort to stop that.
Monday, March 17, 2025
Bonus: #ICC25: Tron - Back to the Grid with Ron Hernandez
Bonus: #ICC25: Tron - Back to the Grid with Ron Hernandez
CatBusRuss and Gregory Carl had a great time in Indianapolis the past weekend for the Indiana Comic Con. In the case of our host, perhaps too much fun. By the end of the two nights, he was too partied out to create any of his traditional bonus episodes recapping his days at the convention.
Fortunately, there were five other panels he was on, and his fellow co-panelists had no issue with him pulling out the Yeti mic and Macbook Air to record those conversations.
Russ's Friday started with a panel about the innovative computer-animation based films Tron and Tron: Legacy in anticipation for the upcoming threequel, Tron: Ares. He was joined by gaming expert and con crew member Ron Hernandez to see what Indiana loved about these to films and their hopes and fears about the Jared Leto movie that is due out in October.
"As long as it is not "Pixels"," was the general consensus. Everyone doubts that, so optimism was the vibe.
Films Researched for this Episode: Bottle Rocket (1996) and Rushmore (1998).
NinetyForChill.com: The Podcast
Episode 32: Save Wes Anderson From Corporate Ducks (Donald, Daffy, Aflac...run)
Like many of Wes Anderson's features, oddball circumstances had led to ThePoeticCritic saving my bum. She found Anderson's filmography to be interesting enough to give us some content. I bring the breakdowns of features like "Bottle Rocket" and "Rushmore" while TPC emphasizes the importance of his freedom from the revived studio system. Anderson is essentially the independent scene's cheerleader. Please forgive the "Heroes" reference.
As with the characters in Anderson's work, there were difficulties with the recording process. I think I am mastering the Zoom PodTrak P4 when it comes to setting up the levels. When it comes to the layout of the buttons, this ended being three separate files and we lost 10 minutes of ThePoeticCritic and I determining whether his style is more Coen Brothers or more Tim Burton. Either way, he maybe the best talent in cinema right now.
Which is why she is adamant that he stays away from any and all franchises. I am intrigued by the concept of him directing a Submariner movie with a "Life Aquatic" aesthetic. After typing that, the MCU needs Luke Wilson. Here is to hoping that you can forgive me for calling him Luke Owen. Wrestle Talk is a daily YouTube experience.
If you want a peak at the best contention between us siblings, we debate why she has yet to watch any Edgar Wright features. She claims there is too much brilliance from the past to be concerned with the presence. I try to make an argument that Wright proves there is still something worthwhile to current cinematic culture.
We did not take the time to lighten the mood by referencing the RiffTrax short she showed me earlier that day, "More Dangerous Than Dynamite". But I took the time to document and put over some of her great guides when it comes to venturing into #FilmTwitter. If you want some good content, give Bill Smiley (@neokefka_99) and Jessica Ritchey's (@Ruby_Stevens) Twitter profiles a look.
Typing this blog post up makes me wonder about some of my big sister's friends. @Ruby_Stevens? Could it me a burner account for my eldest sibling? My mom's nickname was "Ruby". Is she holding out on cinematic knowledge? But I digress.
As for next week's episode, it will be the conclusion to the comedy of errors that gave us this episode. Two previous guests tried to get a hold of me to cover the early works of James Gunn. Neither of them would have worked out to record in time for this week, but its great that to know the show is good enough for guests to want to come back. I am on vacation this week, so we will definitely get the Gunn Show off the ground.
With that said, I have got a lot of time till next Monday to record podcasts. After deeming "The Suicide Squad" to be too long, an interest in finding movies to cut down to about 90-minutes has arose. If anyone wants to chat about this, send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com or follow me on Twitter @catbusruss. Just offer a 90-minute subject (film, director, theme, or actor[s]) to also chat about. OR, another movie to figure out how to get from a bloated state down to the ideal frame of 74 to 99 minutes.
I would not mind being a couples week ahead when it comes to content, so I would love to hear from you with ideas on what to chat about. Frankly, it would be honor to host you and find out about why you offered your incite. Send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com with a movie, theme, director, or actor. If you promise to center the topic around movies between 74 and 99 minutes, audio gold should be the product.
If you need some suggestions, movies like "Fear of a Black Hat", "UHF" and "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story"can make for a great theme. ThePoeticCritic knew that Robert Downey Sr.'s satirical masterpiece, "Putney Swope" fits the pod's time restraints. There are also Tim Burton's early classics "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" and "Beetlejuice". Or we could just focus on movies Danny Elfman scored.
I have been asking for weeks for assistance in composing an episode dedicated to vampire features like "The Lost Boys" trilogy, "Near Dark", and the "Underworld" movies. Here is to hoping that this bunch of critiques will stir up some inspiration in my audience to step up and hold off on the garlic. If this is a topic you up for discussing, feel free to send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com. All I need is a half hour on Zoom to get this done.
I hope I am impressing or at the very least amusing you with this podcast and I am open to any and all criticism. My biggest want is more guests and more suggestions on what to chat about (@catbusruss, russthebus07@gmail.com@coolmoviesdarth). If we can get 3 hours out of "Little Nicky", the possibilities are endless. Thanks for visiting.
After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to russthebus07@gmail.com.
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