Wednesday, October 30, 2019

"Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie" or "Sailor Moon S 64"

If you are just getting into anime and you are not in elementary school, cartoons for the youngsters are probably not what you are looking for. Well, I would like to inform you that you may be limiting yourself if you totally ignore these shows. It was "Robotech" and "Voltron" being shown on syndication when I was five that got me interested in the Japanese animation, and I still like to check these shows out every now and then. 

I would also like to ask you what is there that is any good to watch during the afternoons if the "Emperor's Cup" is not being aired on ESPN or ESPN 2? The answer is Toonami on Cartoon Network. If you like some of the shows from this block of programming, the odds are that there are more mature versions of these shows that are available at your mall's video store. If you want good art work, regardless of the target market, I never seen an ugly anime chick unless it is obviously intentional.

As long as you accept a good kids show as a good show, some of these title maybe worthwhile to you.

Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie

Image of the Sailor Scounts from VHS box.Genre: fantasy (could be considered comedy, female themed) Length: 60 minutes (theatrical film) Audience Age: 3+ (If you view the dubbed version)
Opinion: It definitely feels like a rushed TV episode.
This is a review of the subtitled VHS version.
One of the first notable animes to get imported to the United States.

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