Monday, October 7, 2019

The First Blog: Five Years of Static

Since nothing has really changed for me, I still find this to be a timely blog. The only difference between myself now is that I had $60,000 in credit.

Jealousy and Hypocracy (Black Wednesday 2K5)
Current mood: frustrated

Last night, I can only question why I went out.

No, I do not have to question, it was $3.00 Red Bull mixers at Big Al's. Of course the night was suppose to be a little more constructive. I figured I would bug the bartenders at SOP's, but damn this holiday bullshit.

Blue Magoo was playing at SOP's. They are a great jam band, worth seeing, but the people...well I knew I would have to eventually deal with them at my final destination, so I skipped out.

Also, I cannot stand crowds for concerts I guess. Tough to get to the bar, you cannot just chill. I mean, is that not that what you are suppose to do at a jam band? Sit back and hope for a blunt to pass you by (I don't buy narcotics, but if it's there).

I guess you take the sweet with the sour. The price for my regular parking spot. That and paying cover at Al's.

The purpose of the night was eventually dismissed when the Holiday killed the drink special. For being a depressed person, I always try to think optimistically. Good things usually happen when I drink tequila.

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