Saturday, July 6, 2019

Battle Angel - Hopefully James Cameron Will Do This Title Some Good.

"Gunnm" was probably the most popular manga when distributors started importing Japanese comics to the States.  The manga was so popular and adored by the biggest celebrity advocates for the product that James Cameron will attempt to adapt it to the live action format in 2011 (realized in 2019).

I have a good feeling that this project will be better than "Titanic (more fun, not as good).  "Aliens" happens to be my favorite film of his, and if Gally (the lead), is Ripley tough, how will the sham of a best picture hope to compare?  Just hope he doesn't take her to the point of Linda Hamilton nuts or Jessica Alba too hot to focus on talent (Of course, neither since Robert Rodriguez directed).

Episodes: Rusty Angel - Tear Sign

When one sees the hype there was about the "Battle Angel Alita" manga you'd figure the anime just had to be good. Well this is one of the rare times I felt disappointed in one of my purchases. I'm sure the manga is good, so when you watch this film, you are left to wonder how is that*.

Maybe it was trying too hard, maybe it was trying to package too much into two episodes, or maybe there is just something that the manga had that we'll never see animated. It is probably a mixture of the three, and after you watch it a second time, you won't be as harsh on it.  Then again that may have been me just being prepared for the disappointment.

There are a lot good things in this series, but it does seem to be a little confused about what it wants to be: very, very dark or bittersweet. This wasn't received well in Japan, and I can see why. Maybe if I was a fan of the manga I could offer a better opinion. All in all, its a chance purchase for the buyer. Maybe that is why I started so many of the sentences with maybe^_^

Check out the rest of this critique at - For those curious about anime but hate the geeks.

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