Monday, December 27, 2021

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - 2021 Top Ten - Bill & Ted vs. Jeff & Geena The #Podcast

Episode 50: Bill & Ted versus Jeff & Geena (Top Ten Discoveries of 2021)

Skimble may be changing into a fly. He already lacks an ear.

This past Christmas, ThePoeticCritic spent an hour with her little brother Cool Movies Darth to help comprise a list of NinetyForChill's best discoveries of 2021. Her movie research is not as narrow as this podcast's host, but she chooses five movies that will make the list. It is up to CM Darth to determine which five of the remaining 15 films will make for a well balanced countdown.


ThePoeticCritic did spend Christmas Eve and Day at her source of income, so she was not in a playful mood to try and draft a list. So instead of a "her pick, his pick" game, she offers some analyst of how her brother is choosing this list. The challenge for CM Darth becomes how not to offend previous guests by dismissing films they came to the show to praise.

It pained him, but there is a chance that "John Dies at the End" falls from number two to oblivion. My apologies Kodiak, but in a way, it seems fitting.

David Cronenberg's "The Fly", European, animated family feature "Nocturna", Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas", Robert Zemeckis's "The Polar Express" and the Hammer horror feature that started the modern take on classic monsters, "Dracula (aka Horror of Dracula)" are TPC's choices. These are the remaining features CM Darth has to choose from:

  1. Bill & Ted Face the Music
  2. You're Next
  3. Lady Snowblood
  4. John Dies at the End
  5. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
  6. Bit
  7. Castle Freak (1995)
  8. Death Race 2000
  9. Hellraiser
  10. Nighthawks
  11. Risky Business
  12. Rushmore
  13. Spiral: From the Book of Saw
  14. Teddy Bear
  15. Waiting for Guffman

And Ally's Accessories Shop on Etsy's Trash Features Revue offers a post recording variable. Does the gangster feature with Jena Malone and Joe Mantenga is supporting roles, "10 Cent Pistol", sneak into this top ten list. Does completing the computer alphabet (A to #) by featuring this flick catch CM Darth off guard?

As a struggling screenwriter, he is empathetic to actors JT Alexander and Damon Alexander along side writer Michael C. Martin putting everything on the line to get this feature made.

My Twitter account is @catbusruss. This is where I want your hate to be directed if you disapprove. Otherwise, positive feedback would be best displayed as subscriptions to my podcast and five-star reviews. Lets work that algorithm.

If you think you have a film or franchise that you are an expert on. Send an email to Most franchises have at least one feature that will qualify for NinetyForChill. The runtime just needs to be between 74 and 99 minutes. We have four episodes to fill.
I have been asking for weeks for assistance in composing an episode dedicated to vampire features like "The Lost Boys" trilogy, "Near Dark", and the "Underworld" movies. Here is to hoping that this bunch of critiques will stir up some inspiration in my audience to step up and hold off on the garlic. If this is a topic you up for discussing, feel free to send an email to All I need is a half hour on Zoom to get this done.

I hope I am impressing or at the very least amusing you with this podcast and I am open to any and all criticism. My biggest want is more guests and more suggestions on what to chat about ( If we can get 3 hours out of "Little Nicky", the possibilities are endless. Thanks for visiting.

After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to

Bad Taste: Peter Jackson, The WWE Intercontinental Championship, and Billy Corgan

 *Blog post started on October 16, 2020.

My three day weekend cannot come soon enough. The Staley blog network (,, Russ's Remnants of Anime, and Disgruntled Real Championship Wrestling) are scheduled out to early November, so it will be a nice change of pace to not keep stockpiling content. The biggest problem for my blogs right now is a dependence upon wrestling content.

And with that said, I may as well address recent championship title changes in pro wrestling. "Bad Taste" is in the title of this blog post, and that is the general consensus of what people think the fans of that industry have. My personal taste says we fans should lean into that more, but when I suggest the Katie Vick was a fun angle, that opinion maybe disqualified.

As a horror and occasional raunchy comedy fan, I respect when the creators take something further than what the audience considers far enough. If Triple H did not toss the brains at the end of the funeral parlor segment, my thoughts about the angle would be that it was in poor taste. Once that poor taste has been taken to the bad realm, the imagination of the audience has been destroyed. To gain that kind of control is something I admire.

For my argument with Billy Corgan over poor versus bad taste, visit

Is the Intercontinental Championship greater than the TNT Championship? See why it is not be visiting 

Three-on-one handicap match against the champion versus a dog collar blood bath: Cody's title victory is the superior than Zayn's.

A blood bath serves as a perfect transition into how I finally got around to Peter Jackson's debut directorial effort, "Bad Taste". The prior night, I revisited the failed lesbian take on the already pretentious "Dead Poets Society", Canada's "Lost and Delirious". It ended up being a downer of a film on top of that, so I needed something to cleanse my pallet. "Young Adult" is still a disc that I need to open, but as a depressed writer, I did not think the feature was right to bounce back from patriarchal bullshit (The only valid thing about "Lost and Delirious outside a Graham Greene supporting role is that it took place in the current day, so making it about accepting teenage lesbians at an up tight boarding school a good premise.).

As I looked through my unwatched DVD's and Blu-rays, "Young Adult" was the only film under 97 minutes. Anything purchased on iTunes was either foreign or experimental, so I did not know if I had the attention span for those. So I turned to Amazon Prime's offerings, and "Bad Taste" beat out "Night of the Demons" as my choice to add to my 90-minute movie data base.

Was there really a choice between these two "classics"? It is an Academy Award winner B-movie versus the guy who directed the sequel to Charlie Sheen's "The Arrival". To director Kevin Tenney's credit, his movie called "Brain Dead" from 2007 did help inspire me to write my B-movie script, "Main Event of the Dead". Email with any questions about my production.

Bad Taste

The Astro Investigation and Defense Service (a joke that may have been ahead of its time) is investigating the town of Kaihoro, New Zealand. There seems to be no locals present, just a group of men in identical blue work shirts and jeans. Barry and Derek are the advance team. 

Barry is quick to capture one of these men while Derek is being tracked by an axe-wielding simpleton who he destroys with his magnum. Based on the reaction the two have received upon arrival, Barry is certain these are not friendly aliens with glowing fingers but extra terrestrials who intend to end humanity. It is a good thing their action-loving team members Frank and Ozzy (Is this a Muppet joke?) are en route to this town.

With all this ruckus, a gang of these aliens mount a counter attack which results in Barry taking a fall that leaves him with a compound fracture of the skull. The team writes him off, but the persistence of Barry allows him to figure out ways to keep his brain matter in his cranium, but perhaps at the cost of his sanity. Unfortunately, our heroes cannot leave because a charity collector, Giles, had arrived before Frank and Ozzy could block the roads into town.

Giles is soon captured, so the boys are set on rescuing him. As they infiltrate the alien base, they discover what has happened to the town folk. The aliens represent Crum's Country Delights and they have decided that human beings will be the dish that will make them competitive in the intergalactic fast food market once again. Kaihoro maybe lost, but there is no way the AIDS team is going to let Lord Crum and his cronies introduce this new menu item to space car hops.

"Bad Taste" is a very cheap slash-stick comedy which is very amateur in nature, but successfully shows there is a great director behind it. Peter Jackson shot this film over four years on weekends and the New Zealand film board took notice of his dedication. The result is a great exercise in practical gore effects while being more amusing and easier for the squeamish to stand than the similar efforts of Sam Raimi's "Evil Dead".

This film was a passion project of Jackson who knew this feature just had to get made. He was going to give audiences a bad film though, so his clever direction allows us to forgive the features shortcomings. It is more than apparent that Jackson lacked the means to produce high art, but his short cuts allow the audience to be in on the joke that these cheats are.

Until the finale, the action starts as being a little too sloppy for its own good. It starts to feel long, but the once a chainsaw-wielding psychopath is introduced, it finds its groove and becomes a ball until the gory climax that was repeated in "Dead Alive" and was missing from all of his features after (I may need to rewatch "The Frighteners" and "Heavenly Creatures" to confirm the lack of rebirth sequences.). Darn PG-13 and its limitations.

Excellent gore, a John Carpenter styled soundtrack, and the sheer absurdness of "Bad Taste" make this feature a classic. The film becomes more polished as it moves along (probably because of the New Zealand government funding), so it feels like you are learning about film makings alongside the great auteur Peter Jackson. It also leaves you missing the gory beauty that he was producing, but would you trade it for "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy? With the sheer amount of false endings in "Return of the King", perhaps.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Tits As a Metaphor and 90-minute Discoveries of 2021: R to Z

*This blog post was started on December 21, 2021.

Time is not on my side when it comes to publishing blogs before the year ends. Am I really expected to be posting while I am in Disney World, hopefully?

With omicron (Am I the only one having fun learning the Greek alphabet during the pandemic?) becoming the dominant variant, ThePoeticCritic's paranoia about this family vacation going tits up maybe warranted. I say this because our younger sister is an elementary school teacher whose husband just got over a break through case of delta. She may want to call the trip off.

What I fear is that because she is the only one of my siblings who has not been to England (something she brings up when she wants to get on our parent's tits), her daughter will do the same thing to her if the trip gets cancelled. "Big Brother got to go when he turned five, but I couldn't." It is justice that she act the same way as her mom, but no one should be acting like her mom (at least the version of her mom that had yet to graduate university).

Of course, if you listen to the impromptu episode on " - The #Podcast", "Buddy the Elf and His Zombie Diary", my big sister states how it does not look good that I will get the opportunity to build a light saber at "Galaxy's Edge". I hate to get all schadenfreude, but if I must suffer, maybe all should. Let it be known fate, that is a joke, not an attempt to tempt you.

The biggest problem with a cancelled trip is that my vacation time will be used up on the first week of January. It would make my attempt to succeed in my annual resolution to eat something Buffalo (sauce)-flavored every day easier, but my cats can only stand so much of me not having anything to do. Do not doubt that. They are cats. I do not need to get on those six sets of tits.

As I type this, my manager is telling me about the plans they are making with their classmates to go to Destin, Florida to celebrate their 40th birthdays. It may be the time to look for another job if my Floridian adventures get canned and theirs do not. We already have the disconnect which lead to a pro-worker diatribe on my annual self-performance evaluation. At least we are talking since I sent that rant.

At this moment, I am just disappointed that I have only used tits three previous times in this post. After the second use of it, incorporating the word into the title would have been a wacky way of talking about the remaining features that I discovered this year for - The Website. Which movies are totally tits?

2021 Discoveries for
"Resident Evil: Extinction" to "The Zombie Diaries"

Monday, December 20, 2021

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - Buddy the Elf's Zombie Diary The #Podcast

Episode 49: Buddy the Elf and His Zombie Diary (A Pitch Favreau, Caan, and Ferrell Can't Turn Down)

Films Researched for this Podcast: Elf (2003); The Zombie Diaries (2006).

Skimble is an Elf because Eva is the holiday ruler

Oh, the best laid plans of mice. This week's original guest was a last minute scratch, but fortunately Cool Movies Darth can count on family. ThePoeticCritic was kind enough to grace us with her presence to focus on the 2003 Will Ferrell classic, "Elf", and the near 20 years since that have been without a Christmas classic.


I am still working with Michael Dubois to come with a time to discuss 2019's "Ready or Not". It should be a great show since "You're Next" is still relatively fresh in my mind. That feature would serve well as a point to compare and contrast. The 2019 flick was being rewatched to prepare for the scheduled recording, and I am picking up the finer details about the film. Whenever we get to record our next ode to Samara Weaving, there is a sense it might be one of best episodes.

But ThePoeticCritic never fails to impress.

She had just gotten around to seeing "Elf". The feature impressed her (5 stars) which surprised me. With all its fanfare, I find it hard to not feel like it had been shoved down our throats for the past 18 years. ThePoeticCritic does point out, it may feel overrated because Hollywood has failed to provide us with another feature to honor the holiday.

I should have asked if Marvel has ruined Christmas.

Perhaps streaming services needing seasonal features is where the next memorable holiday feature will end up. She did say "8-Bit Christmas" was a good bit of fun. Being the only Captain N cosplayer, I guess I am obligated to see it. But every couple of years in the '90s (if not the '70s and '80s as well), we got a memorable Santa-related picture. In other words, Hollywood is just unwilling to make a mid-budget feature any more for the big screen. Fortunately, Santa has delivered TPC to this earth, and she will happily guide you to the means to fill that holiday void.

As for horror movies, that brings us to Ally's Accessories Shop on Etsy's Trash Features Revue. She could not find a movie starting with "Z", but when she has spent over $260 on movies for me to breakdown, I shan't hold that against her. With a little extra effort, 2006's found footage zombie feature that is nothing like George A. Romero's "Diary of the Dead", "The Zombie Diaries" got a couple hours of my time. That is a jab at the fans of the British feature who cried foul of Romero's similar concept, not of the feature's quality.

My Twitter account is @catbusruss. This is where I want your hate to be directed if you disapprove. Otherwise, positive feedback would be best displayed as subscriptions to my podcast and five-star reviews. Lets work that algorithm.

If you think you have a film or franchise that you are an expert on. Send an email to Most franchises have at least one feature that will qualify for NinetyForChill. The runtime just needs to be between 74 and 99 minutes. We have four episodes to fill.
I have been asking for weeks for assistance in composing an episode dedicated to vampire features like "The Lost Boys" trilogy, "Near Dark", and the "Underworld" movies. Here is to hoping that this bunch of critiques will stir up some inspiration in my audience to step up and hold off on the garlic. If this is a topic you up for discussing, feel free to send an email to All I need is a half hour on Zoom to get this done.

I hope I am impressing or at the very least amusing you with this podcast and I am open to any and all criticism. My biggest want is more guests and more suggestions on what to chat about ( If we can get 3 hours out of "Little Nicky", the possibilities are endless. Thanks for visiting.

After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to

90-min Family Video - "The Arena: or Timur Bekmambetov Presents 'Up All Night'"

Steven Spielberg got his start in TV with "Duel", and he is arguably the greatest director of his generation. Unlike the contenders for that title, he is concerned in releasing blockbusters more often than not.

This generation's (Those who came up during the resurgence of indie cinema.) blockbuster directors have a similar pedigree where they honed their skills, but with less prestige. Heroes of today cinema like James Cameron, Ron Howard, and Joe Dante came out of Roger Corman's "indie" cinema. Corman's latest protégé of note is Timur Bekmanbetov ("Night Watch", "Day Watch", "Wanted"). His B-movie was "The Arena". It is a film that shows glimpses of the director's talent, but those maybe blurred for late night cable due to all the excessive Roman decadence.

Timarchus (Viktor Verzhbitskiy from the "Watch" series) has been left to mind a Roman outpost in Western Europe's wasteland. Desperate to make this land his own little Rome, he has had a wooden coliseum built to host his bloodlust. When the locals prove to be wretched warriors and the gladiators who he brings in are subpar, he must come up with a new means to have the peasants love Roman culture. He decides to try and capture the intensity of the rebellious slave women by making gladiators out of them.

Can he make warriors of those he constantly victimized? Is it wise to do so? Can an empire fall by the hands of the women it scorned?

Pinterest - Wagon Rolz
"The Arena" can only be suggested if you are looking to rot your brain on a lame weekend. We have all been there, so if you take the film as that, it is worth a few inebriated minutes.

The script is pretty lame along with the fight scenes, but there is enough female nudity to amuse the male audience through to the second act. From there, it is just laughable, but there are some moments where you see the director's talent that has placed in high regards by the likes of Tim Burton.

The director has vision, and for that to work, he needs a lot of space to work in. This film is squeezed into sets that are far too small for the extras to be involved. If his characters (all of them) do to get an open world to play in, then the feature could have been saved by his skillset.

"The Arena" is junk food, better yet, the bottom of the chip bag. For whatever reason, it is worthwhile until you realize what you are watching. This is a flick you can only come across by accident even if you want to be a Bekmanbetov completist.

If you like "1941", you may like "The Arena."

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - "You're Next": A #Movie and A Call for Guests The #Podcast

Episode 48: "You're Next": A #Movie and A Call for Guests (Not a Threatening Invitation)

Films Researched for this Podcast: You're Next (2013); Nocturne (2016).

Cannot cover Skimble's cuteness with a mask

Cool Movies Darth's plans for one horror movie podcast fell through, but fortunately you can rely on Lionsgate and Ally's Accessories Shop on Etsy's Trash Features Revue. This week, CM Darth takes a look at Adam Wingard's cult classic, "You're Next" and revisits the even lesser budgeted "Nocturne" from 2016.


It was a pretty frantic week. I had scheduled a recording just before I was to head back home to pick up ThePoeticCritic to attend my third Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, but life being what it is, that guest had to postpone their appearance. As for the TPC, she did not really infer any direction by me bringing the podcasting equipment, so we do not have any material from the convention. Granted, her activities kept her to the floor, so it is not like there was any panel information that she could provide. Imagine her rage if I told her Giancarlo Esposito's next franchise he wants to take a part in is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His strong points be damned.

We did attend "Mystery Science Theater 3000 Live: The Time Bubble Tour" at the CIBC Theater. It was a pretty good live show. I think their sketch segments may have been superior to the time I saw them perform with Joel Hodgson. The riffing of the feature may have even been stronger. "No Retreat, No Surrender" is a more ridiculous (yet grounded) feature, so this Roland Emmerich knock off of Steven Spielberg needed the MST3K cast to be on their A-game. If anything was disheartening about this show, it is the realization that Emmerich is an overrated hack.

Because this episode only focuses on two features, I did my best to edit it so that I could get in under the 15-minute YouTube cap. This means that a fair amount of my emotional ramblings about my C2E2 experience being one of feeling alone in a crowd had to be cut. With that, so went the individual thank yous to all of my previous guests. Sorry about that, but as you can see, I only had a second to spare.

I really need to apologize for my lack of gratitude. For the most part, this podcast is the only guaranteed socialization I have. Sorry that I lack Tuxedo Mask cosplay, but how do you not seem weird at a "Sailor Moon" fan meet up with a "Captain N" jacket or a Charlestown Chiefs sweater?

This episode closes out with my review for 2016's "Nocturne", a seemingly beloved z-budget feature. I have described the premise to a few people, and they thought it sounded interesting. It is a part of Ally's Accessories Shop on Etsy's Trash Features Revue, and for the most part, quality is lacking. "You're Next" is an exception. But, "Nocturne" was featured on a bonus episode, so this podcast officially adds it to the cannon of The Podcast.

My Twitter account is @catbusruss. This is where I want your hate to be directed if you disapprove. Otherwise, positive feedback would be best displayed as subscriptions to my podcast and five-star reviews. Lets work that algorithm.

If you think you have a film or franchise that you are an expert on. Send an email to Most franchises have at least one feature that will qualify for NinetyForChill. The runtime just needs to be between 74 and 99 minutes. We have four episodes to fill.
I have been asking for weeks for assistance in composing an episode dedicated to vampire features like "The Lost Boys" trilogy, "Near Dark", and the "Underworld" movies. Here is to hoping that this bunch of critiques will stir up some inspiration in my audience to step up and hold off on the garlic. If this is a topic you up for discussing, feel free to send an email to All I need is a half hour on Zoom to get this done.

I hope I am impressing or at the very least amusing you with this podcast and I am open to any and all criticism. My biggest want is more guests and more suggestions on what to chat about ( If we can get 3 hours out of "Little Nicky", the possibilities are endless. Thanks for visiting.

After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to

Monday, December 13, 2021

Top #Movie Discoveries from 2021 for NinetyForChill: Justice to Rabid

 *This blog post was started on December 8, 2021.

Why is it that Blueberry Red Bull is the only flavored version that I can find anytime of the year? Why is it pomegranate for this years holidays? I have never seen pomegranate sauce at the feast. How would they sell that anyway? This "What's the deal with" bit is going to result in me Googling all of these questions, and I will just end up falling behind again.

Right now, I am in a state of restlessness, and with the "Ready or Not" podcast to record tonight Red Bull is a necessity. Will I miss my nephews birthday because of the lack of sleep? The kid is still in grade school, so I might just make it in time tomorrow. But if I do just that bit of rushing, will I have the energy to venture into Downtown Peoria? Is that going to be forbidden since I am driving my older sister up to C2E2? Dad may want to get out of the house, but irresponsibility should not lead to a chauffeur.

But he is a Duran Duran fan. Sing, Blue Silver.

With my busy schedule and sudden Tinder popularity, I guess we can blame the flirtations instead of my computer issues for my set backs. There has not been too much time to think outside of my podcast. Even with C2E2, my podcast setup must be ready. My big sister was not a fan of dragging the boom mic and other accessories while I parked the car when were at Wizard World.

It could be a great editing experience. Why not use my Zoom P4 and my laptop if I can talk someone into record?

As for the blogs, 2021 still needs to be wrapped up, and the podcast has made it so there are twice as many movies to cover. With that said, lets continue my work on this years best of list.

2021 Discoveries for
"Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths" to "Rabid"

Honorable Mention: Pumpkinhead

I hate to remove Lance Henriksen from contention to advance to the best 20 from the breakdown thus far, but "Pumpkinhead" is more of a effects man trying to prove their worth. Henriksen makes that feature because no one else is worth remembering except him. It is a pretty straight forward mystical revenge narrative. The monster, Pumpkinhead, is effective is scaring us, but without traditional slasher victims, it is not really allowed to do much.
Winston's offers up an ideal ninety minute movie, but it is not the best feature I saw this year by any stretch of the imagination. It is easy to argue that it is better than "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" or "Laid to Rest", but they are far more outlandish and rewatchable, one for the comedy, the other for the ridiculous violence.
I guess it just comes down to ranking the final 10.

The Top 10 Discoveries of 2021 Ranked (Kaboom to Rabid)

  1. Nocturna (2007) dir. Adria Garcia and Victor Maldonado
  2. Lady Snowblood (1973) dir. Toshiya Fujita
  3. Nighthawks (1981) dir. Bruce Malmuth (Gary Nelson: Uncredited)
  4. Kaboom (2011) dir. Gregg Araki
  5. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) dir. George Miller
  6. London Town (2016) dir. Derrick Borte
  7. Meatballs (1979) dir. Ivan Reitman
  8. Rabid (2019) dir. Jen and Sylvia Soska
  9. Laid to Rest (2009) dir. Robert Hall
  10. Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988) dir. Stephen Chiodo 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - DC Universe Animated Original Movies vs. Wonder Eva and Gregory Carl The #Podcast

Episode 47: DC Universe Animated Original Movies vs. Wonder Eva and Gregory Carl (Do Not Disrespect the Mascot's Effort

Films Researched for this Podcast: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (2010): Justice League: Throne of Atlantis (2015); Reign of the Supermen (2019); Batman: Death in the Family (2020); Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One (2021); Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two (2021).

Eva is ready to impress with her mascot/mascat powers.

Gregory Carl and Cool Movies Darth team up like the "Snyder's Justice League" to provide an introduction into the world of DC Comics' Animated Features. The two bring up at least 20 of these films, and for the most part, at least one of them will recommend of each movie. Your hosts will also express how they got into these features and if you can take the short cut of watching these instead of reading the books that they are based on.

I believe this is a list of all the DC Universe Animated Original Movies that get mentioned in this podcast.
  1. Batman: Assault on Arkham
  2. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
  3. Batman: Death in the Family
  4. Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
  5. Batman: The Killing Joke
  6. Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One
  7. Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two
  8. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
  9. Batman: The Mystery of the Batwoman
  10. Batman: Under the Read Hood
  11. Batman: Year One
  12. Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker
  13. Constantine: City of Demons
  14. The Death of Superman
  15. Deathstroke: Knights and Dragons
  16. Freedom Fighters: The Ray
  17. Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
  18. Justice League: Doom
  19. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox
  20. Justice League: Throne of Atlantis 
  21. Justice League: Dark
  22. Justice League Dark: Apokolips War 
  23. Reign of the Supermen
  24. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
  25. Superman Doomsday 
  26. Superman vs. The Elite
  27. Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
  28. Teen Titans Go! To the Movies
How did I forget to bring up "Batman and Harley Quinn"? This is a sad omission since Gregory purchased the original DC Universe over-the-top service for the "Swamp Thing" TV series.

DC Universe Movies serve as an entry way into the experience of growing up a nerd at the beginning of the Modern Age of comics. Tim Burton's "Batman" was the catalyst for both of us to try and collect comics. This resulted in us being very confused. When there is only one "Batman" movie and numerous "Batman" comic book lines, where is a kid to start? Should a parent be supervising?

So the two of us talk about this dilemma, and how it lead us to certain characters to follow and how we decide which stories do we watch on DVD and which ones do we read. From Gregory's experience, you might not want to cross those line. It may bring down the enjoyment of these features.
Other things that are brought in our chat are some of the political motivated decisions DC has made and how they affected fans, is there too much Batman in the DCUAOM, and of course there are comparisons to the DC Extended Universe. I think we also left with a greater appreciation of the comics we enjoyed outside of DC and even Marvel. Image Comic Fans: Represent you love for "Bitch Planet", "Maneaters", and "Sex Criminals".

My Twitter account is @catbusruss. This is where I want your hate to be directed if you disapprove. Otherwise, positive feedback would be best displayed as subscriptions to my podcast and five-star reviews. Lets work that algorithm.

If you think you have a film or franchise that you are an expert on. Send an email to Most franchises have at least one feature that will qualify for NinetyForChill. The runtime just needs to be between 74 and 99 minutes. We have four episodes to fill.
I have been asking for weeks for assistance in composing an episode dedicated to vampire features like "The Lost Boys" trilogy, "Near Dark", and the "Underworld" movies. Here is to hoping that this bunch of critiques will stir up some inspiration in my audience to step up and hold off on the garlic. If this is a topic you up for discussing, feel free to send an email to All I need is a half hour on Zoom to get this done.

I hope I am impressing or at the very least amusing you with this podcast and I am open to any and all criticism. My biggest want is more guests and more suggestions on what to chat about ( If we can get 3 hours out of "Little Nicky", the possibilities are endless. Thanks for visiting.

After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Pluto TV: "Arena" Missteps to the Best Mono-Y-Mono Flick of 1989?

I do not like to listen to "How Did This Get Made" unless I have gotten around to seeing the movie. It is audio only, so despite the hilarity of the discussions, it feels like I am missing out. There are obviously some exceptions thanks to Jason Mantzoukas's enthusiasm making "Geostorm" and "Den of Thieves" part of the other show's vernacular, but otherwise, you have to want to see these movies on your own before you download an episode.

If your taste allows you to give "Hurricane Heist" a chance, are you likely to comeback for "Adore", a Robin Wright/Naomi Watts son/lover swapping drama, the odds of wanting to watch the latter to keep of with the feed is unlikely. Why would you want to go from ridiculous and bad to serious and bad?

One misstep, and my mind was not concerned with keeping track of the feed. Thanks for me accidently setting up notifications to the feed on my Samsung Galaxy S8.

I really appreciate my girlfriend's parents making her first smartphone a Galaxy A10E because surely I have mastered the most overrated brand. From a parenting standpoint, not giving her a choice (which she never wanted, especially now that it will not fit in her pocket) is a fair practice, so you do not have to use her tech-savvy boyfriend to justify it.

As a guy who went to "Mystery Science Theater 3000 Live" and has a Tom Servo tattoo, I was definitely familiar with "Starcrash", so HDTGM had me for at least a couple of weeks. It should have been three when they announced "Friday the 13th: Part 6 - Jason Lives", since Paul Scheer said it was on Amazon Prime. They must have watched it on that before October because Bezos knows you can sell anything horror related in October. At least to everyone but me.

A Voorhees romp is something I presumed my girl would not want to watch, so I was waiting for her to go to bed (12:00 am). I had forgotten to check out iTunes deals for the week, so I did not make it to check out Prime Video until 12:30. The time was not too late since the flick would fit this website's time restraints, so everything seemed to be going well. Six hours of sleep would be enough.

Then I found out the lack of free Jason flicks. Being stubborn, I was going to check out every subscription service to see if it was available for free. It was not, but I need content, and Pluto TV was the last place I landed on. Surely a cult flick would come through to me, and I have yet to watch a "Man versus Monster" tourney flick. I know, ironic because my first completed script is a zombie versus pro-wrestling comedy, "Main Event of the Dead". (If you want a treatment of the story, email me

Pinterest - Kiku
Empire Pictures's "Arena" from 1989 would take that experience would leave me the wiser B-Movie maker. As for the film as a narrative, would it be a classic like "Re-Animator" or unbearable like "Trancers"? There is no middle when it comes to a Charles Band production.

As I look at this distributor's Wikipedia page, "Robot Jox" was the last film in their filmography. If their Lovecraft adaptations was not enough to warrant respect, pioneering replacing "ck" with "x", a 90's to early 00' standard, should.

Bonus: #ICC25: Tron - Back to the Grid with Ron Hernandez

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