If it does not involve pro-wrestling, this is Russ Stevens's effort to create the one stop blog for movies that are cut to the ideal run-time, 90 minutes. This blog may feature films that may range from 71 minutes to 1 hour 40 minutes, but 101 minutes and up are too long. An hour and a half can justify cutting a film into two chapters and a book into three. Hobbits and Katniss have too many ending, consider this an effort to stop that.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Truck Stop DVD - "Countdown" Good, but Not the "Sudden Death" Remake We Were Hoping for.
Monday, February 21, 2022
NinetyForChill: The #Podcast...Goes to B-Fest
NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast
Episode 57: NinetyForChill: The #Podcast...Goes to B-Fest (Dalton of Roller Skates)
With "Showdown in Little Tokyo" sharing the marquee at the Norris University Center at Northwestern University, Cool Movies Darth was obligated to attempt to make it through the 24-hour, B-movie marathon that is B-Fest. He spent all 24 hours in the McCormick Auditorium, but did he watch all the movies? Sometimes, there are things so bad, you just need to shut the brain off.
I had made it through two Ed Wood features ("Final Curtain" and "Plan 9 From Outer Space") that are not unwatchable. "Firewalker" disappointed as I ponder how Chuck Norris had his prime throughout the whole of the 1980s, but I cannot be too mad at a good Louis Gossett Jr. performance and a John Rhys-Davies cameo. Who cannot appreciate the sheer, unintentional comedy that is "The Brain That Wouldn't Die"? You would think that would be enough to skip the edibles and choose to constantly drink Monster Juice energy drinks to claim that you made it through the DEEP HURTING.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
NinetyForChill: The #Podcast: Gregory Carl & "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane"
NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast
Episode 56: Gregory Carl & "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (A Critic and Film, Nothing More)
If there is a master of spotting subtle horror on Shudder, it is Gregory Carl. This week he suggested a film that has a horror-worthy premise with "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane" featuring a 14 year-old Jodie Foster. It is a feature that turns the seemingly defenseless adolescent premise on its head while maintaining all that 1970s creepiness in all of its glory.
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" - Slime Free
NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast
Episode 55: Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Slime-Free Family Fun (Marshmallows Fluff Does Not Count)
If you remove the credits for "Ghostbusters (1984)", the runtime is only 36 seconds too long to qualify for NinetyForChill.com's parameters. Cool Movies Darth is a fan of "Solo: A Star Wars Story", so like Han, he chose to round the runtime down to the lower parsec. This allows him to address the latest film in the paranormal comedy franchise, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife".
I have taken on this episode by myself to assure that the guest content is not overly repetitive. The assistance that Gregory Carl, ThePoeticCritic, and Michael Dubois is always appreciated, but this is not their show yet. With that said, it is not overly hard to influence me, especially during my financial strains after the loss of my banking job.
Since this is a brief, 15-minute episode, I do not go in depth about my struggles beyond having to watch a lot of movies in hopes that they meet the parameters of my podcast BEFORE the credits role. Four movies on Sunday, and aside from "Ghostbusters" "meeting" the proper runtime, I ended going through three "Predator" films before I found one that allows us to discuss that franchise.
And that feature was Paul WS Anderson's "AVP: Alien Versus Predator". It is a fun popcorn feature like all of Anderson's films, but lets just say I am keeping Dan O'Bannon and H.R. Geiger's creature away from the podcast. We should not be that lenient for content.
I have taken on this episode by myself to assure that the guest content is not overly repetitive. The assistance that Gregory Carl, ThePoeticCritic, and Michael Dubois is always appreciated, but this is not their show yet. With that said, it is not overly hard to influence me, especially during my financial strains after the loss of my banking job.
Since this is a brief, 15-minute episode, I do not go in depth about my struggles beyond having to watch a lot of movies in hopes that they meet the parameters of my podcast BEFORE the credits role. Four movies on Sunday, and aside from "Ghostbusters" "meeting" the proper runtime, I ended going through three "Predator" films before I found one that allows us to discuss that franchise.
And that feature was Paul WS Anderson's "AVP: Alien Versus Predator". It is a fun popcorn feature like all of Anderson's films, but lets just say I am keeping Dan O'Bannon and H.R. Geiger's creature away from the podcast. We should not be that lenient for content.
Since I am chatting about Paul WS Anderson, my original intention for this podcast was to cover "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City". This is because, for the most part, all of the films in the original series would qualify for the show's parameters. Unfortunately, I failed to realize that the physical media release of the latest RE feature drops today (2/8/22). If I want to use a Redbox promo code, I am going to use one. Thus, leniency was needed this past weekend.
When it comes to the feature that I ended up renting, I thought was that it was a fine ode to the original feature. It may not have the same wit because you do not want children improvising, but I would say that allows auteur Jason Reitman to make the film that he wanted. He can count on it being his dialogue and the feature following his design. There are a few tweaks that could have been made, but this tribute to Harold Ramis tugged on my heart strings so that I immediately dismissed them. And that is why we take notes to make sure I give you these critiques on the podcast.
If there is any negative to this feature, it is that now I really want to forget about the praise I gave to "Ghostbusters (2016)". That is still a fun movie, provided you never saw GB1 or even GB2. The 2016 film had no idea on what fans of the franchise wanted. And with "Afterlife" going slime-free, we further want Paul Feig's miss to never be released in 8K.
After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to russthebus07@gmail.com.
Bonus: Fan Expo NOLA: Day 2 - Bootleggers, Arial Artistry, & Renounced Jedi
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90-Minute Redbox: "VFW" a Rutger Hauer Away from Grindhouse Perfection *Blog post started on December 30, 2020. I do not know wh...
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Ninety For Chill: The #Podcast with @CatBusRuss Bonus 5: #FanExpoChicago 2024 #Bonus: #MarkHamill & Underrated Gems (Like "Nationa...