Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Minor League Puck Bunnies and Armchair Parenting

I was going to call it "Minor League Hockey and Minor League Uncle'n", but despite the clicks it could produce, I think minors and uncles should not be in the same statement.

Not quite 20 hours into the work week, and the fantasy football and news have all been caught up on. This means I have to come up with something that seems meaningful to the rest of the world. With the previous week feeling devoted to the lack of girlfriend (I don't like aches, I want the pain all at once), all I got out of those seven days was trying to relate to my seven year-old nephew at the Rivs' home opener.

He was seated between my dad and I, so I had to refrain from commenting about all the familiar faces in the line up. "Returning" to Peoria for the love of the sport (as I rush from my afternoon retail shift to watch them)? Are you sure you are not living here because of an ill-advised night with a puck bunny (thanks Google and Urban Dictionary)?

That would have to be a nightmare scenario for so many people. As a player, you are probably in your late 20's hoping for one last shot at the ECHL. Instead, you end up having a puck fuck with no net minder. As the biscuit basket's parents, you may feel shame that because your daughter is so dim that she thought a Southern Professional Hockey League player was going to make it to the big time. At least there are some groupies who have their thumb on the pulse of music when they start looking for a rocker to support them for the rest of their lives (It is a small some from my experience). If they are not in the AHL, do not go chasing sweaty balls.

That is two blogs in a row with attempted parodies. I really got to focus on writing my Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name of..." knock off. These blogs are still decades behind Weird Al.

When it came to stuff that I could talk about with my nephew, I am only frustrated by my sister's over protective parenting. Damn teacher thinking she knows everything.

A Naïve Coworker:
My parents were teachers and they were great. It is also great because in the summer, they could spend all that time with us.
Out of area code grandparents?
They went on about how they are obsessed with their niece. I joked about putting 90 miles between me and my sister's spawn. After finding out that my nephew has yet to experience Buffalo wings, my absence is worth considering regret.

"Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie" or "Sailor Moon S 64"

If you are just getting into anime and you are not in elementary school, cartoons for the youngsters are probably not what you are looking for. Well, I would like to inform you that you may be limiting yourself if you totally ignore these shows. It was "Robotech" and "Voltron" being shown on syndication when I was five that got me interested in the Japanese animation, and I still like to check these shows out every now and then. 

I would also like to ask you what is there that is any good to watch during the afternoons if the "Emperor's Cup" is not being aired on ESPN or ESPN 2? The answer is Toonami on Cartoon Network. If you like some of the shows from this block of programming, the odds are that there are more mature versions of these shows that are available at your mall's video store. If you want good art work, regardless of the target market, I never seen an ugly anime chick unless it is obviously intentional.

As long as you accept a good kids show as a good show, some of these title maybe worthwhile to you.

Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie

Image of the Sailor Scounts from VHS box.Genre: fantasy (could be considered comedy, female themed) Length: 60 minutes (theatrical film) Audience Age: 3+ (If you view the dubbed version)
Opinion: It definitely feels like a rushed TV episode.
This is a review of the subtitled VHS version.
One of the first notable animes to get imported to the United States.

Netflix DVD: Titan AE or Don Bluth's "The Transformers: The Movie"

It seems like the new job is allowing me to keep up the blog. But, daytime hours have really altered the sleep schedule, hence my pulse on what is happening in the world. And I definitely do not have the time to hear the ultra-right wing version of it from my mother.

I do need to call her more, but obviously she likes the idea of unwinding in the early morning more than I. And for everybody, that is a good thing. She stays up, she watches Fox News. She calls it quits after "NCSI" reruns end, we are better for it.

A couple of nights ago, during one of my girlfriend's random existential moments, I offered an exchange from the Luc Besson classic Lucy. Researching for this blog, I found out I butchered it.

Professor Norman: I'm not even sure that mankind is ready for it. We're so driven by power and profit. Given man's nature, it might bring us only instability and chaos.

Russ (simplifying): Ignorance is bliss.

Lucy: Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge.

Russ (simplifying): Ignorance is ignorance.

Why am I referring to this calling it a night conversation? Because I was discussing if it was okay to keep baby boomers out of the loop. Since they got 20-30 years left, on the surface, it sounds like a good idea since the left has to be unified in 2020 (I am leaning towards Andrew Yang now, but Beto just knows his rights from wrong), but no human should want that. It just feels like Fox News is doing what I always joked about whenever the "Hooked on Phonics" commercial came on the tube in the 90's. Why had not anyone tried to teach people how to be stupid? Is there something wrong with me for always wanting to try and reimagine and bastardize "As Seen on TV" products?

After thinking through that paragraph, I realize that all Fox News is doing is just keeping old people and idiots ignorant instead of devising some strategy to reverse their intelligence like my plan to make people unlearn reading. Refusing to learn is an entirely different think.

Which brings us to Don Bluth's last great effort to stay in the animation game, "Titan A.E." It is a well-meaning effort, but insisting on sticking to his trademarks took away from anything new the film tried to introduce. (Sorry for failing to use Fox News experiment and "Rats of NIHM" transition).

In 3028, a race of aliens who are made up of pure energy, The Drej, destroy Earth in attempt to prevent Professor Sam Tucker from succeeding in his latest experiment, the Titan. Since the Drej will be focusing on destroying him, the professor determines that it was best to leave his son Cale in the care of Tek, an alien who proves to be a good mentor as humans have become ridiculed by other races for struggling on.

15 years later, Cale is working on a space salvage crew and has given up on humanity getting off the endangered species list. That is until Captain Joseph Korso shows up, and requests that he actually make an effort to save the human race. The kid must serve a greater purpose in the preservation of mankind because The Drej are not far behind Korso. Saving humanity and running for his life make joining the Korso's team his only option.

But why have the Drej involved Cale in their goal of expediting homo sapien extinction. It turns out that the ring his father gave him when they went their separate ways is a means to track the location of the Titan. If Korso's crew can get to it first, humanity maybe able to start again. If the Drej do, all hope is lost. We all need hope, so Cale's cynicism is abandoned and the fate of our culture rests with him.

If a ninety-minute, science fiction tale takes three paragraphs to summarize coherently, (at least by myself, more power to the Netflix sleeve writer), it may be a tough feature for most to get through. "Titan AE" is at least tougher than "Fist of the North Star" which took only two paragraphs and was a half hour longer. The butt rock and late 90's MTV punk soundtrack does not help 20th Century Fox's animated feature.

"Titan A.E." soundtrack and pace is very reminiscent of "The Transformers: The Movie". The soundtrack for the latter was better, but otherwise, Don Bluth put a lot of effort into his feature. Unfortunately, he still is in love with the great environment created, that his characters are downplayed, and with CG effects, are almost invisible at points. This leaves us with many scene where you got to squint to determine if anything is moving or are you just staring at a matte-painting.

As for the use of CG in creating the Drej, I think it still holds up nearly 20 years later, but aside from looking different, dare I say alien, there is not much to their design. On top of that, there is not much to their character, let alone their motivation. They are willing to deal with other humans to destroy the less greedy ones which makes no sense without spoilers.

Like "Transformers" a vague enemy means you are just trying to compose a film with a bunch of action scenes, and to do that, they just put our characters on random adventures. Perhaps there are too many protagonists. The biggest problem with that is the flick has a lot of great voice talent.

It is a Matt Damon starring movie, so there is going to be some "white-washing", and I just feel Ron Perlman is misused in normal roles, but you will like John Leguizamo performance, Nathan Lane's seems more unique than most of his roles, and Janeane Garofalo shows that Hollywood had always under utilized her. If there can be any complaints about these characters is that the chemistry between Damon and Drew Barrymore is just something we as an audience are just supposed to accept. It is very much Kelly McGillis and Tom Cruise from "Top Gun". You almost have to admire "Transformers" for Arcee not giving Hot Rod a wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

If you are going to sit a kid down and distract them for 90 minutes, "Titan A.E." might be an adequate change from Disney. Of course, I have a nephew and niece who sing Fall Out Boy after seeing "Big Hero 6." They would be a lot cooler yelling out some Stan Bush. Just trust me that your little ones may get something out of it and it is beyond appropriate for them, that way you do not have to yearn for Don Bluth's 80's by watching this film.

Hell Horror dot Com

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

AEW Lodgings in Champaign and Feline Loopholes (and Buttholes)

Working Too Much or Under Caffeinated?

Judging that my system just logged out due to inactivity, it is probably the prior rather than latter. Of course, by the time I finished that sentence, my bum had to be removed from the chair to file some stuff.

The job is getting easier, and judging that I had a lot of downtime to begin with, blogs from my old Angelfire website "Animeflow" (Visit to see my 2002-concise, rabbit hole free web design work) are queued to be released to the safety of Google out to mid-January. I could have probably watched an episode of "Russian Doll" instead of typing this up, but the new (November 4th) blog/journal needs to get rolling at some point.

Which brings me to the concept that behind my question. Am I putting too many hours in or am I not consuming enough caffeine to pay attention to the rest of the world? What is there to write about?

I tackled Trump's attempt to wag the dog last week. If he only had not pissed off so many of his past producers, he might have been able to pull it off. Wrestling buzz is waiting on the next big booking mistake, so I suspect we will be waiting until the Halloween for that. The way to get any indie wrestling cred is to try and piss off Jim Cornette, who is trying to start a YouTube war with far richer people, so it looks like he is grasping for relevance. My wrestling resume is not going to spark his interest despite influencers digging my tweets of late.

The wrestling brain should really focus on where Tony Khan is going to take out his wrestlers after the AEW show at the State Farm Center. The Silver Bullet just lacks the reputation that Big Al's has. If it was not his hometown, I would just assume drive to Kappa to party and stay in Bloomington.

Airbats 801 - Iron Eagle 4

It is cool that Angelfire is still around. It is also cool that if you look hard enough, you can find most of the GeoCities websites preserved on a server. If only "@Midnight" was still a thing. It is a shame that they will never capitalize on that content.

Angelfire may have kept my post GeoCities/Web Design Certification ( site up the past 17 years, but with Yahoo's betrayal, if you have not created an operating system, I am going to put all my eggs in one basket. Thus, I am going to start moving the original AnimeFlow over to the Blogger sphere. So let us get over one repetitive tangent (look at all the It and I) and getting into repeating my earliest critical works.

801 T.T.S. Airbats: 1st Strike
Image of Miyuki from VHS box.© 1994 Toshimisu Shimizu / Tokuma Shoten - JVC
Length: 90 minutes (3 episodes)
Audience Age: 12+
Opinion: Well animated, average story. This is a review of the dubbed VHS version.
From the creator of the hentai title Rei Rei

If you have seen the previews for 801 T.T.S. Air Bats, you probably were able to gain the basic premise of the series which is girls plus jets means $21.60 worth of entertainment. To a certain extent, girls plus anything out of the ordinary will bring some profit in this animation genre, and when a sensitive but less than with it guy is thrown in the mix, the creator is assured an audience. The concept is cute and one will laugh in an on again off again pattern, but if it is not a "Tenchi Muyo" or an "El-Hazard" video, the consumer may have some regrets about the purchase.

801 gets a few bonus points from me since learning about jets was once a hobby of mine, but otherwise it is a lot like what I expect from one of these "girls meet boy, they meet…what was that again?" animes.

"Underworld: Blood Wars" and R-Rated Table Reads for Kids

The original subtitle for this blog was "Maximizing the HDR but not Charles Dance." I bring up Charles Dance in the blog title having recently seen "Godzilla: King of the Monsters". Do not forget the birthday gift that your parents had gotten your significant other. There are consequences.

The original plan was to celebrate our anniversary with "John Wick 3: Parabellum" but the 4K in the living room was not enough to get her to quit pouting about the franchise even though she wanted the "puppy." So with the lack of presents as well interest, my argument that we cannot dive into the franchise without the first film fell upon deaf ears.

Enough giving into her sad faces and talk about mine. Once you invoke Eco-terrorism and give it a lead, that (Charles Dance) is the villain of your film. Until you get through this film's credits, the villain is forgotten about. It is a pretty dull flick between him escaping with the monster-control device and the last scene.

"Last Action Hero" was misguided, but Charles Dance kept it interesting. How did no one in a test audience not scream for more Royal Shakespeare Company pedigree? Especially after how "Game of Thrones" went after Tywin Lannister left.

PG-13 means live-action, kid-friendly Russ. Did you forget that? Maybe, but that is probably because I am pissed about the default PG ratings animated films now receive. Everybody poops, spits and farts MPAA. Quit trying to brain wash parents in an effort to avoid children doing that. They knew the risks.

I do not know. Perhaps, test screening the last season of "Game of Thrones" on kids could have better directed the conclusion. Aside from the brothel scene in episode 67, the boobs to dragon ratio was surprising low. The violence may have been a bit intense. My compromise, have elementary school students sit in on the table reads.

I think 50-65% of those bitching about the conclusion of "Game of Thrones" are not smarter or as patient as fifth graders. Reading to an audience like that, I would bet my left one (or any non-essential appendage or duplicate organ [just leave me with enough fingers with their matching arm to pitch] against any five-figure sum for any takers out there) they would shout bullshit when the "fans" did. Would that be any worse than when my fifth grade teacher read us all of the "Chronicles of Narnia"? At least there is no separation of church and state issues with my idea.

You would think it would be tough to get back to my latest 90-minute movie review after that rant, but I must be clairvoyant. The first word of the review I wrote in what I think was January of 2018 was...

Bookworms are tough to read as film goers.

Underworld Blood Wars:

Before my current beloved, my last girlfriend was a lost 22-year old on Seroquel-prescribed mess (the past is the past), so it was easy to keep her amused with flashy imagery. The William S. Burrough readers who left me bankrupt would find other means to distract themselves. The roommate I had a literal falling out with had little time for appreciating pop corn cinema because her boyfriend at the time embraced it while ignoring our tendency to indulge in Milla Jovovich films not directed Luc Besson.

Tuscola's finest nose being in books made it so she never kept track of gimmicky cinema, and since all of our motion picture library for the first year of our relationship had to be viewed in the common living space, it was tough to catch her up on it. Despite all of the distractions, she is amused by chicks fighting monsters. Regardless if she retains any of the plots, I am not allowed to watch any of their sequels without her.

Kyra Dawn - Selene's Hair
Thankfully, with me initially installing the 4K equipment in the bedroom, she would have to become a cinephile. There are no arts and crafts to distract her. Just the need to deal with all of her questions from the previous franchise installments that competed against yarn balls for her attention.

Fortunately, "Underworld: Blood Wars" did not inspire a refresher. The film returns to what the first film in the series promised, vampires versus werewolves. If it makes a viewer inquisitive, it is only about what they had previously seen the British actors in.

Humanity has abandoned their purge of violent "Twilight" characters. This leaves the war between vampires and lycans to focus on capturing a hybrid to dissect for the cause of securing their clan's respective future.

The only person who can lead anyone to one of the werepires is the death dealer Selene. To ensure this cannot happen, she has hidden her daughter and arranged it so she will not know the child's location. Thus, she is left wandering the Earth only to be amused by killing those dumb enough to chase her. That can get dull, so she has become nothing more than a reverent of regret hoping it will end soon.

David the vampire prince is able to track her down and tell her that she will be welcomed back into the coven to train new death dealers since the lycan threat is only growing. If one half of her pursuers can be eliminated, this may allow her to knock off the absentee mother routine. But everything in her thousand-year life has been based on a lie, so there must be a vampire or two planning her demise.

Selene will need a new trick to escape and end her foes, so the film leaves you to brainstorm. Will you guess correctly or inadvertently prepare a treatment for the sixth film?

It is a good time for fantasy with the success of "Stranger Things," and "Underworld: Blood Wars" capitalizes on the audience accepting any convoluted premise. The viewer has fun trying to out think the dungeon master/screenwriters Cory Goodman's plot and is rewarded with an amusing story advancement. There is nothing about this film that can be taken too seriously, you will catch on to that quickly and enjoy the ride.

There is nothing noteworthy about the fight sequences, but the environments and the amount of action will keep your attention. Unlike the previous films, characters who survived  are further developed (Charles Dance), so you get something they totally dismissed with Scott Speedman's character. If you were angry about that hollow love interest was left out of the previous film, you receive a quite satisfactory resolution to your complaints.

Perhaps the best aspect of this feature is that it keeps moving. No moments are taken to add weight to events. It is a "Dynasty Warriors" video game put on 35 mm. You came to see vamps and wolves bash heads. As an indie wrestling fan, I can appreciate the decision to skip story and just spreading the thumbtacks on the canvas. We do not need Stephanie McMahon showing us how she verbally loves licking her lips for 20 minutes...ever.

And that is why people immediately doubt my sophistication when I mention wrestling, regardless of the alliteration.

"Underworld: Blood Wars" is how a ridiculous 80's feature premise can still work in the 21st century. A familiar face and action is all you need. Just keep it brief (under 100 minutes) and the effects worthwhile, and you can get the audience to accept anything. This is "Cruiser Weight Classic" film making, not "205 Live".

Bonus: #ICC25: Tron - Back to the Grid with Ron Hernandez

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