Tuesday, August 30, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - "Big Trouble in Little China": CouchMan Lo Pan vs. Jorge Shen

NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast

Episode 83: Big Trouble in Little China: CouchMan Lo Pan vs. Jorge Shen (We shake the pillars of Heaven.).

Eva is pissed off to no end

Big Trouble in Little China: CouchMan Lo Pan vs. Jorge Shen

August 30, 2022

"Big Trouble in Little China" is a film of such greatness that Cool Movies Darth brings in two Internet powerhouses to chat about it. Friend of the podcast Andrew Tiede from Baking While Baked returns to represent the Midwest and Jorge from the "Not a Strong Start" podcast represents the West Coast. It is CM Darth's attempt to take the best of two cultures to properly honor The Horror Master John Carpenter and the wild aura of the eighties.

Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective. 

This was definitely one of the most fun podcasts that I have recorded. I suppose the trick to make me think that you are serious about being on the podcast is to respond to my pleas on Twitter with a fun GIF. How can I not follow up on one's sincerity when they reply to the suggestion of "Big Trouble in Little China" as a topic with the following:

The only other person who seemed invested in the thread was Andrew Tiede. I have been wanting to get him back on the show since we had our "Bust'n Meatballs at the Caddyshack (The secret "Ghostbusters" episode)" podcast. So after I narrowed out the time with Jorge Marrero to record, the invitation was sent off to @CouchManBakes. No promises were made.

Two time zones to negotiate with, my work schedule constantly being changed, and the monthly goth night at the Rose Bowl hangover were not enough to stop our ode to "Big Trouble in Little China". We had the podcaster/wrestler who claims to have cockblocked Billy Corgan, the comedian who has dedicated his TikTok to culinary criticism while stoned, and the West Coast filmmaker come together to demonstrate Egg Shen's philosophy about China.

Of course the Chinese mix everything up. Look at what they have to work with. There's Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoist alchemy and sorcery. We take what we want and leave the rest. Just like your salad bar.

We definitely go on tangents, but this is the most Eighties movie ever. How can that be avoided? It was not that difficult to avoid getting away from the feature. As long as I had the film on mute in my peripheral, time management was pretty easy. Also, it was only 5:30 pm CDT when we started. How drunk can I possibly get in the 45 minutes I had between leaving work and starting the show? I'm out of Malort.

Monday, August 22, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - Ally’s Trash Feature Revue’s Covid Binge

NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast

Episode 82: Ally’s Trash Feature Revue’s Covid Binge (And an ode to "Swamp Thing").

Skimble is there for Ally with sympathy snooze

Ally’s Trash Feature Revue’s Covid Binge

August 23, 2022

Cool Movies Darth is on his own this week, so he has chosen to go back to the library provided by Ally of Ally's Accessories Shop on Etsy's Trash Feature Revue. If anything, this episode will provide an ideal movie binge for those who have to take the time to recuperate from Covid-19. Sadly, that is what the co-producer of this podcast is going through. Wish Ms. Ally well and tell her to tune to this episode dedicated to nothing but quality films she found for $3.33 at the Champaign, IL Disc Replay.

Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective. 

I do not want to put too much pressure on my listeners to step up and be a guest on my podcast. Thus, the call for guests was made for next week's episode after I had thought the previous week's episode was published. Would you not know it, Podbean went and glitched on me for no reason.

That did not effect the people who expressed interest in coming on the show, but I did not need that extra pressure. Especially when looking at my stats, no one seems to come back for part two of a recording. My work schedule has yet to totally straighten itself out, so intense editing does not seem reasonable. It is just nothing but pressure for NinetyForChill: The Podcast. This is not what I signed up for.

I guess I should just appreciate that the shorter episodes, like my trip to the Trash Feature Revue, get good numbers. My ego should be pleased. But the perfectionist in me wants quality over quantity. Fortunately, the art of just bullshitting about movies has reached its groove for me, so I think this episode is fun.

At least I hope it is. When you are trying to get your ex-girlfriend to spread the word with the title, you do not want to let her down. Please do that with social media. Quarantine.

My last trip to the Trash Feature Revue was suppose to include a feature to represent the letter T, but time left me thinking that there was enough content for "Ally Presents: Puppets, Emo Vampires, and Christian Metaphors". I still ended up watching "Thir13een Ghosts", ironically in hopes of giving something for Ally and I to chat about for an episode (probably dedicated to Dark Castle Entertainment's films). At least that episode would have varying quality as the Matthew Lillard movie is the first feature from Dark Castle that I enjoyed.

"Thir13een Ghost" is not art. It is just campy and insane fun that make more sense than "The Reaping" or "Gothika". Finally enjoying a Dark Castle flick shows you how low their bar was set to inevitably hop over.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

"He Never Died" - The Henry Rollins Show The Movie

Curse large hotel lobbies. At a property like the one I am at now, it is a necessity, or at least so I thought. Visiting a set of hotels in Chicago with three franchises sharing one lobby, the chance of a family reunion deciding to set up craft services would not work. Yeah, you have the business of Downtown Windy City to smother the silence, but no hosting responsibilities.

That sounds like I am not enthused about my role in the industry. It may just mean there is a purpose for an all-encompassing hospitality degree. I am just used to taking care of guests who have issues with their room, not those who expect me to throw them a freaking party. Staffing is the true issue, but welcome to slow times in a college town.

The actual issue is that I may one I constantly come back to. I do not want to ever impose on anyone. Why is that not universal? It is one thing if you are renting our meeting room, but when you just claim the lobby? How much do you expect from a slow night room rate?

It is the curse of being patient and empathetic. Customer satisfaction is your calling, and when you help someone out, you know things are all around better. Too bad you only hear from the ones who are a pain in the ass to satisfy. Or they have never been satisfied, but that is just how I am defending any rumored shortcomings in the bedroom.

The lack of appreciation may get to us all. You start to develop a chip on your shoulder, and eventually it becomes a boulder that you need to chuck. It is better than constantly lashing out because throwing pebbles is just annoying to a perceived adversary. A genuine stone will finish them off. A possible mess to clean up is why we keep letting it snowball.

You cannot cut yourself off from people. If you do, you will be the considered the asshole. Imagine an eternity of that and you get the Henry Rollins starring classic "He Never Died."

I do not know what it is, but I have always been hoping for a good Henry Rollins movie. He is a cult of personality (Rollins and Bernie 2020) that you want associated with any flick and I have yet to find a supporting role that I have not enjoyed. The thing is, with the exception of "Feast," he may be the only reason to sit though some bad films.

There are some redeeming qualities to "Johnny Mnemonic" and "Lost Highway", but definitely not "The Chase." Since there is not any range to his performances, one can be trepidatious about the idea of him in a leading role. Especially when the film is from a production company with an intro reel suitable only for PS2 games.

As I stated, Rollin's is a cult of personality. If you can let him be him, it should work. He would be the perfect "Highlander: The Series" immortal, so his immortal flesh eater character in "He Never Died" may be perfection on a streaming service.

Well, that is hyperbole. You need a Scottish accent somewhere with this premise to be perfect...or whatever Christopher Lambert can bring to the table.

Jack seems to be burnt out. He just has to live, but nothing seems to motivate him. Even thugs mistakenly attacking him does not get his pulse rate up. A little tape and Visine, the man is ready to be an hour early for Bingo.

Finding out that a daughter he never knew he had has tracked him down is a bit of hiccup to his existence, but he might be to dull to keep her attention. Worrying about her finding out that he may survive on human blood and viscera might be a waste of time. She would be so bored, her efforts to get him out on the dating scene would be moot.

Perhaps kidnapping his daughter will get him to bring out some fight from him. What could be his secrets that make someone want to waste small-time crooks to find out? Is it wise to give a guy who may predate the Bible a reason to get out of bed.

"He Never Died" is an excellent allegory for those who seem to just be existing because the alternative is frowned upon. My experience with this is being cynical and feeling life is wasted on the young. To imagine 5,000 years of that serves as a wake-up call that your life could be worse. The real challenge is realizing you have new things to try and little time to use.

Henry Rollins is ideally cast in this feature. He has been a cultural mainstay for 30-plus years and his fans feel that he needs to be constantly relevant. Jack shows us that concept may be more trouble than it is worth, and the writing and performance allows the viewer to appreciate his struggles. This results in a strong black comedy that benefits from the lack of directorial resources.

"He Never Died" almost suffers because of Netflix's previews imagery sells it as a straight horror movie. If you are not in the mood for gore, you will pass by it. If you do not have the attention span for what is essentially a play on film, you will be surprised in the wrong way.

This film may solely be for the fans of Rollins. "He Never Died" shows that an appreciation of "Black Flag" indicates wisdom. It is a film for the wise, so it might not be a Thanksgiving recommendation because there is at least one uncle who will not get it. Try to tell that guy that Rollins is Cash 2.0 or just two since he does not understand smartphone updates.

Film Affinity - Espana
Film Affinity - Espana

Monday, August 15, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - They Live. We Podcast with Gregory Carl

 NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast

Episode 81: "They Live". We Podcast with Gregory Carl (and provide more "Rowdy" movie content).

Eva proves cats are not alien

They Live. We Podcast with Gregory Carl

August 16, 2022

We come to the conclusion of Cool Movies Darth and Gregory Carl's conversation about Roddy Piper's starring debut, "They Live". The two being pro-wrestling fans, means their conversation will inevitably focus on the wrestling business, but they go down some intriguing rabbit holes. Fresh off attending Fan Expo, CM Darth suggests the concept that Kevin Smith is the modern day John Carpenter. Gregory is a fan of "Tusk" and "Red State", so is this suggestion that ridiculous?

Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective. 

The two of us pick up after my attempt to give the respect that Al Leong deserves. With that said, I think this actor just needs his own major studio distributed starring film. It maybe too late for that. Danny Trejo got "Machete" when he was in his sixties. Leong has just turned seventy. Do I have a bad ass Asian-lead action script in me?

This serves as a nice transition to some of the wrestling chatter that the host of "The Mud Show" and I partake in. I suggest a formula on how to integrate pro-wrestlers into motion pictures. After suggesting several wrestlers who can make the transition to cinema, Gregory suggests a remake of Sonny Chiba's classic "The Street Fighter". Sorry, Jon Moxley. The premise calls for Al Leong. Can this be Quentin Tarantino's 10th movie?

Another interesting concept that we discuss (It was teased on the Podbean feed.) is whether or not Kevin Smith is filling the void left by John Carpenter. I suggest that they have the same style of direction. Their biggest concern is protecting their stories. Gregory immediately refers to the awesome horror movies Smith has directed ("Tusk" and "Red State") and even pitches a dramatic sequel to the first film in the once promised True North Trilogy.

I suggest that we keep the conceived trilogy of Canadian-mocking features alive. If you dig Troma movies, you will love "Yoga Hosers". The only change I would suggest is getting rid of that abusive asshole Johnny Depp. 

In that same vein of humor and twistedness, Gregory and I do discuss the films of Ralph Bakshi and the influence of Robert Crumb. Let this podcast be a resource for all cartoon and "Ghost World" chatter. We need other things to lean on aside from Stuart Gordon and David Cronenberg.

I do not think that crutch can be Shannon Tweed movies. To add some extra Roddy Piper material, "No Contest" was revisited. This was the other movie that I have seen with the Rowdy One in it. The feature is not high art, but who can resist the idea of Andrew Dice Clay holding a beauty contest hostage?

Follow me on Twitter @catbusruss. If you want to be on the show, contact me on Twitter or send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com. All we need is a theme, movie, director, or actor and a focus on sub 100-minute material. As long as the credits start before the 1:39:59 mark on the runtime bar, the movie qualifies.

Monday, August 8, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - Russhausen Presents the @C2E2 Experience

 NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast

Episode 80: Russhausen Presents the @C2E2 Experience ("Star Wars" Panels, MCU Worship, and Nerds Know???).

Danhausen or Cosplayer

Cool Movies Darth has returned home from C2E2 with all of the festivities (that he attended [Sorry Cosplay Ball]) documented for you. Was it better than Fan Expo Chicago? Who did he come to see? Did he do much to promote the NinetyForChill: The #Podcast? Cosplay's premier "Captain N: The Gamemaster" may finally be getting the nerd recognition he deserves. Or is he still pumped from the Danhausen photo op?

Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective. 

When you dedicate your spare time to creative efforts (podcasting, blogging, etc.), it can be tough to really...I mean really...enjoy yourself. I do not know if I have three to four day cons in me, but I did enjoy most of the weekend. It is just the little things like a hotel without snacks and Reed Pop having an app that was only intended to get my Facebook information. That is better than Fan Expo charging an extra hundred dollars to enjoy everything, but this is not the Meta nerds appreciate.

Since I was using valet parking, I did not unload all of my podcasting equipment. This lead me to document the first two days with the Podbean app. It works pretty well as long as there are no Apple iOS updates. Perhaps the ease of recording will inspire me to move on in creating a Patreon. What can I do for you that is worth five-dollars a month? Let me know at russthebus07@gmail.com.

The format of this podcast episode might be a little odd. I had released bonus episodes for day one and day two of the convention. These episodes will be available below. Because of this, this episode opens with me discussing day three and concluding the convention. If you listened to the bonus episodes, feel free to skip everything after Crowley's request for "a woo-hoo."

Despite this being an audio format, I do record myself unboxing the first mystery box that I have ever purchased at a convention. This comes after 10 conventions. Was a Nintendo-themed Looksie Box worth $60? It does not take too many "Mega Man" prizes for me to say yes.

Monday, August 1, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - You Listen. "They Live"...with Gregory Carl

 NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast

Episode 79: You Listen. "They Live"...with Gregory Carl (We came here to chew bubble gum and podcast. Thankfully, we were all out of bubble gum.).

Did animals not notice how fleshy and flavorful the aliens looked?

You Listen. ”They Live” with Gregory Carl

August 2, 2022

It only felt fitting to spend SummerSlam Weekend covering a movie starring the greatest heel in professional wrestling history, Roddy Piper. Gregory Carl from "The Mud Show" returns to "NinetyForChill: The #Podcast" to provide all the praise to perhaps the best feature starring a wrestler, "John Carpenter's They Live". This is a film so awesome that Cool Movies Darth suggests that it may have encouraged WWE to go into the movie business and resulted in CM Darth deciding to buy it a third time for all the possible special features that only Shout/Scream Factory can offer.

Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective. 

It seems that I will never get the scheduling for my podcast figured out. Because Gregory and I nearly chat about the movie for two hours (We were definitely bullshitting for more than that.), I felt it maybe wise to split the show into two parts. But C2E2 is this weekend, and of course I want to podcast about that convention.

Perhaps putting these episodes two weeks a part is a good idea. In other words, the numbers for my second part of "The Producers" were not what I hoped. If we listened to the first part of the recording, what is really going to change in the second? Well, I cannot promise me exposing all the sultry details of figuring out sex in "They Live" part two, but that is what you got last week.

Gregory and I are two retail employees who love pro-wrestling. This means we have a lot more in common with each other. Hence, these episodes should be more focused on the subject matter.

In part one, we pretty much stick to the film and pro-wrestling chatter. Not to say I did not try to make this more political. When I confirmed that this recording was going to go forward, Michael Dubois was contacted to see if he could jump in. Too bad we were already a half hour in when he saw the DM.

"They Live" is an essential sub 100-minute movie. It is fast-paced with a message, and just provides you with the silly violence that you want from any eighties action movie. Gregory points out that it almost follows all the same notes that only Arnold Schwarzenegger films like "Commando" and "The Terminator" avoid. Our hero, the rowdy one's Nada, just falls into the undeclared war between humans and aliens like John McClain happens to always be in the wrong place at the right time. But if a formula works, why change it?

Bonus: #ICC25: Tron - Back to the Grid with Ron Hernandez

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