Monday, January 31, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - "Ready or Not" - Dubois Declares Action’s New Bride The #Podcast

Episode 54: Ready or Not - Dubois Declares Action’s New Bride

 (Maybe Li'l BeeBee Bleached Her Hair)

Eva would kick Samara's ass.

Michael Dubois makes his return to the podcast to further express his admiration for Samara Weaving with a discussion about 2019's action satire, "Ready or Not"Cool Movies Darth goes into this thinking the film was a step down from the quality of "Bill and Ted Face the Music", but only a baby step. Is Samara the next Uma Thurman? We will find that out.

The two of us do our best to explore the career of the Australian actress and this led us to discuss Michael's fondness for the films of McG. I knew him best for the under appreciated "Terminator: Salvation" while my guest fondly looks back at the "Charlie's Angels" features and the Fox series "Human Target". It seems that none of us saw Weaving's break out in Netflix's "The Babysitter". This is kind of ironic since it is about a Satanic sacrifice which we quickly let out as the unadvertised element of "Ready or Not".

"Ready or Not" is about a girl from the foster care system seeking a family. Thus, she marries into the LeDomas family via the son whom wants nothing to do with them. Little does she know, this family's dominion was founded on their great-grandfather's deal with the devil. In other words, the rich are all controlled by Satanists.

As an atheist, I express my dismay that we are blaming the devil for the rich. He is not that evil. This leads us to converse about the truly evil like Ronald Reagan and Peggy Thatcher and how they led to beloved features like "Tombstone" and "They Live". We also chat about how the right could still corrupt their audiences.

This week's guest likes the idea of just summing up the the rich as a cult. He has experience with cults, including The Cult of Inaccurate Perception. Richard O'Brien leadership of that strange group may explain the affection Michael has for "Dungeons and Dragons". I suppose his opinions should be held with esteem when it comes to brainwashers. The only group that I can relate to is My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult.

We do discuss whether or not all rich people suck/are evil. This is inspired by the dynamic of the seemingly Weaving's rebellious groom and his family. My attempts to excuse some billionaires ends up leading to a discussion about the DC Extended Universe and how Iron Mike Ditka could have derailed the greatest presidency since Franklin Roosevelt. At least we know Bruce Wayne is cool.

The rest of the podcasts is just silly fun. We discuss the next trilogy of episodes the two of us should do (Gene Wilder per chance). I suggest features like "War, Inc." to further his leftist beliefs (despite a questionable Hillary Duff character). And his need to explore the Corman "Death Race 2000" franchise is ever present. With that said, I am up to do a podcast on all things Death Race. This includes the Paul W.S. franchise. "Death Race 2" fits the parameters if we cut off the credits. Who does not want to watch "Death Racers" with the Insane Clown Posse and Raven?

As for Ally's Accessories Shop on Etsy Trash Feature Revue, I watched 2008's "Cloverfield". It was that or "Columbus Circle". Ally loves her monsters, so this is up her alley. So is "Columbus Circle" and probably "Abandon". The found footage feature won out because I did not want a third week with a paranoid woman film.

My Twitter account is @catbusruss. This is where I want your hate to be directed if you disapprove. Otherwise, positive feedback would be best displayed as subscriptions to my podcast and five-star reviews. Lets work that algorithm.

If you think you have a film or franchise that you are an expert on. Send an email to Most franchises have at least one feature that will qualify for NinetyForChill. The runtime just needs to be between 74 and 99 minutes.

I hope I am impressing or at the very least amusing you with this podcast and I am open to any and all criticism. My biggest want is more guests and more suggestions on what to chat about ( If we can get 3 hours out of "Little Nicky", the possibilities are endless. Thanks for visiting.

After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to

Monday, January 24, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - Deadly Games: French Santa vs. Gregory Carl The #Podcast

Episode 53: Deadly Games: French Santa vs. Gregory Carl (Do You Want to Build a Claymore?)

If Skim can take it, Thomas can.

Gregory Carl maybe late for Christmas, but comes strong by offering Cool Movies Darth this movie suggestion. What if instead of the Wet Bandits, Kevin was stalked by Father Christmas? And how about we give Macaulay Culkin a marvelous mullet? What you get is the 1989's French feature "Deadly Games", the plagiarism lawsuit against "Home Alone" that never materialized.


For me, Rene Manzor claims that John Hughes and Chris Columbus ripped off this feature within a year of its release are farfetched. The tonal shifts from fun kids movie to horror makes it feel closer to the Columbus-penned "Gremlins". With that said, Hughes had bragged that he would knock out a first draft during "his kids in peril" career stretch over a weekend. I feel there is a huge leap from incompetent burglars to pet-murdering Father Christmas.

I have seen a few more French films than he has. This feature had the feel and absurdity of Jean-Pierre Juenet's early works. With his first solo outing being "Alien: Resurrection", a door to enjoying the features from France may have been opened to Mr. Carl. By suggesting that Gregory wanting to see children being abused for French amusement, he may have also been inspired to read some Roald Dahl. And that in turn means I may have suggested the more racist of the James Bond franchise. C'est La Vie.

Stylistically, "Deadly Games" pulls from a lot of classics while still seeming to be cutting edge. The snowy French country-side allows for many a call back to Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" while featuring model and computer effects that you would think Stephen Spielberg had over seen. It also pays homage to American macho imagery as we have our protagonist, boy genius Thomas, celebrate "Rambo" and all of the other action movies no kid his age should have seen. Oh for the age where satire was understood.

If anything took from this feature, ironically it may have been "Gremlins 2: The New Batch". The tonal shifts are constant in this tale of a boy defending his diabetic, blind grandfather and himself against a deranged man. I would suggest that the boy's need to grow tough is very similar to how Gizmo had to toughen up to have his revenge against Mohawk. Still, the turn around for that theft would be less than a year.

It is tough to figure out if anyone stole from anybody, but this feature was never shown in an American cinema until 25 years after its international release. Warner Media and 20th Century Fox may have been trying to hide something. Or should I say, those two parties may have had their own motivations to make something this unique disappear.

Of course, it would not be a Gregory Carl podcast without some wrestling and Jean-Claude Van Damme chatter. My thoughts on the "Big Swole" controversy are said and we may have set ourselves up for a discussion about "Kickboxer" vs. "Lionheart". Gregory wants to stick to horror for his next episode, but got to lay some seeds down.

As for news with me, I think I am heading to BFest in Evanston next month. The hotel room is booked to see "Showdown in Little Tokyo" on a bigger screen. Here is to hoping that this is just a way to jinx myself into nailing one of the upcoming job interviews to land some security in my life. But still, surely I can get one Friday off after filling out a new W2.

This episode does feature a return to Ally's Accessories Shop on Etsy Trash Feature Revue. This week, I watched "Before I Go to Sleep", a Ridley Scott backed Nicole Kidman feature with Colin Firth and Mark Strong (and the guy who played Ed from "Game of Thrones"). It is a feature that is enjoyable enough, but for a movie about overnight amnesia, I may stick with "50 First Dates."

My Twitter account is @catbusruss. This is where I want your hate to be directed if you disapprove. Otherwise, positive feedback would be best displayed as subscriptions to my podcast and five-star reviews. Lets work that algorithm.

If you think you have a film or franchise that you are an expert on. Send an email to Most franchises have at least one feature that will qualify for NinetyForChill. The runtime just needs to be between 74 and 99 minutes.

I hope I am impressing or at the very least amusing you with this podcast and I am open to any and all criticism. My biggest want is more guests and more suggestions on what to chat about ( If we can get 3 hours out of "Little Nicky", the possibilities are endless. Thanks for visiting.

After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to

90-min Prime Video: "C.H.U.D." Timely Pandemic Horror

  *Blog post started on May 7, 2020.

If there was any sense of optimism from the last journal (90-Min Amazon Prime: "Wild Card' and Jason Statham vs. William Goldman), I think that had dissipated over the last week. Hoping that I could just use the stimulus check to run off to a land of debauchery was a fleeting idea and my density or inexperience with SnapChat shot down a coping mechanism. On the bright side, there seems to be a sense of order. If only that was not two months away.

My life just seems to jump between frustration and boredom. The ex was dealing with a manic stretch and thus decided to stay up for 24 hours. She went to bed last night at seven to get herself back in order, so from AEW on, I had the place to myself. I could surely find time to knock off a 90-minute movie between then and Sunday evening for Monday's blog. This means it was the ideal time to venture into my unwatched Terry Gillian DVDs or anything from the Criterion Collection. Unfortunately, with high art, I want to share it like my Michel Gondry stuff. It just felt pointless and I may not have had the energy to devote that much time. Paying great attention for two and half hours seemed boring.

Is it better to feel bored than frustrated? I suppose frustration leads to boredom. You need a break from being frustrated, but if you got nothing to do, you are going to be bored. Then you get tired of being bored and frustrated that you cannot do anything. It is chicken or the egg or the square root of negative one. We do not need that to be the blog post, so let us dive into a 1984 horror film that expresses the importance of staying inside and that could have been so much more. And at least that is frustration that will end.


The homeless in New York's Soho district have been disappearing at a very high rate. Because of this, Police Captain Bosch is certain that there must be some foul play occurring, but the chief and commissioner tell him not to investigate them as anything more than missing persons. Once his wife goes missing, Bosch starts his investigation off the books and turns to soup kitchen operator "Reverend" A.J. Shepherd to find out what the poor folks know. He also sends police tails on homeless advocate and photographer George Cooper to see if they can stumble across any clues.

Cooper has been called on by the underground dwellers for bandages and fire arms to protect themselves. Shepherd has been collecting radiation equipment left behind in the sewer by the EPA and NRC (Environmental Protection Agency and Nuclear Regulatory Commission) after their annual inspections. With photos Cooper has taken of injuries the homeless have inexplicably endured, Bosch and Shepherd confront the commissioner and NRC after a young girl witnessed her grandfather being attacked from a sewer monster. During this meeting, a dead monster was reported suffocated from natural gas.

The NRC's answer to what occurred is simple. It was a C.H.U.D., a cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller, but as far as they know, that maybe the only one. With the high radiation level, our three protagonists doubt that and it seems like it will be up to them to save the neighborhood before the NRC decides to blow it up just to be sure this menace will not migrate.

"C.H.U.D." has a reputation of being a highly regarded cult classic, and it has the elements to explain why. A simple premise that has an over-inflated lore, a few actors who will make names for themselves over the next decade (John Heard as Cooper and Daniel Stern as The Reverend, John Goodman shows up as a beat cop), and cheaper than Italian knockoff special effects provide fun rose-colored lenses to view this film through. But I left this film thinking that it could have been a lot more based on the cult status that lead me to it.

For a three paragraph summary that only gets us to the second act, not much happens to maintain your attention. There are few scares and nothing really over-the-top about them. The acting is strong for the genre and the dialogue can amuse, but without gore or suspense, it feels more like a subpar police procedural.

In the third act, the story unravels to finally provide the film with some action. It is amusing at times, but feels like separate movies instead of a cohesive one. Again, without outrageous effects to go with it, you are just watching a quickly thrown together PG-13 thriller instead of the horror movie it promises to be.

"C.H.U.D." is worth a view if you want to know what all the subversive comedy directors are talking about. It has a great premise for a low-intelligence horror movie, but does not make it over that low bar.

Jordan Peele and Kevin Smith were fans of it, and I could see either of them releasing a great remake or even 3-D movie auteur Patrick Lussier providing at least an amusing exploitive one. It is a property worth expanding on, so I guess I cannot question it being worthwhile. Lets hope the rest of Hollywood is aware of that. If they are patient, we can have an ideal C.H.U.D. by 2022.

90-min Pro Wrestling Crate - "Boone: The Bounty Hunter: All Heart, No Vision"

 *Blog post started on July 7, 2020.

I am still recovering from my recent move. The biggest disappointment is missing out on the most recent "Pokémon Shield" event involving an electric cat Pocket Monster, so things are not too bad.

My DVR did not carry over from the move, so I need to get it set to record NBC News. When "The Daily Show" is taking a couple of weeks off, I become a little out of touch. It is a good thing that my parents are in the midst of a move, so they are just too tired to bitch about the world. That means no biased content is coming my way.

I guess what is starting to wear on me is the solitude. It would not work if my ex moved back in with me, but I catch myself trying to figure out how I could safe proof the residence to allow for it. Her cat misses her and is probably going a bit stir crazy without her around. The urge to feel bad starts to well up, but then I appreciate not having found a long stringy hair in two weeks.

I might have cleared out the 97-minute or less portion of my yet to be opened DVDs. A reason to feel like I am still accomplishing shit. Not as much as WWE's John Morrison did with his self-financed "Boone: The Bounty Hunter", but I have a feeling I can get there...if I could get some inquiries about my B-movie "Main Event of the Dead" an ode to zombies and the indies. Ask for a treatment or provide suggestions to move the project forward with an email to Thank you.

Boone: The Bounty Hunter

Boone was a decorated Iraq War veteran who came home and found that his true calling was becoming bounty hunter. He was able to spin this into a successful television show. By focusing on catching C-list celebrities with his parkour skills, his show brought a pleasant change to the genre dominated by Bible-thumping bigots. Sadly, this type of show is a fad and the network is going to pull the plug on Boone's dreams after they finish recording the season finale.

Not willing to go down without a fight, Boone calls in a favor with Cage from the DEA who owes him a favor. Cage lets him know about the spoiled millennial Ryan Davenport, an indicted murderer who has skipped bail and crossed the border. If Boone picks him up and brings him back, the bounty will at least keep the lights on and the low-budget for this mission will make it a show that the networks will have to pick up. There are a couple problems with this plan.

Firstly, bounty hunting is illegal in Mexico. Secondly, Davenport's father is a merciless drug kingpin. Boone's producer and his best friend Jackson will not follow him into this mess. But the thickheaded and seemingly invincible Boone only needs his camera crew. Surely that will be enough to face any adversity that may befall them.

"Boone: The Bounty Hunter" is a fun way to waste sometime. It is primarily a promotional tool for the top noncontracted wrestling talent at the time, and works very well to let the major promotions know what John Morrison can bring to their brand. Thus, the film does not offer anything clever or new, but what it does provide is amusing enough.

The movie is beyond a straight-forward tale of a man finding out how to become a true hero. If it had a budget and a director with artistic vision, the tale could be turned into something fantastic. Morrison lacks the seriousness to be a convincing hero, but would make a great sidekick. We enjoy watching him try to make the film work like a parent cheering on their child from the youth soccer sidelines. It is a feature that knows that all it has to do is not offend the audience, and will not get mad watching it.

John Morrison has provided Family Videos across the nation the ideal movie to have running in preparation of the, "what do you recommend that no one has seen," query. "Boone: The Bounty Hunter" is fun and inoffensive which is all you should expect for a $2.00 rental. You do not need to see this flick, but if you want to create a cheap movie to show the world what you have to offer creatively, this flick is a great blue print. - Boone: The Bounty Hunter (2017)

Monday, January 17, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - ThePoeticCritic vs. Disney on the Turf The #Podcast

Episode 52: ThePoeticCritic vs. Disney on the Turf (The Secrets of Marie the Cat)

Skimble has the spirit of the House of the Mouse

ThePoeticCritic sparingly drops F-Bombs, and because she and her little brother Cool Movies Darth were less than two weeks removed from their Disney World vacation, it made sense to hold off on some lengthier recordings to see how Disney will rule the world in 2022. There is of course some Goldblum talk, but the Mouse dominates the show with his rides and movies.


Let me apologize to Gregory Carl and Michael Dubois. They recorded episodes before my unscheduled chat with my big sister, but with my Monday being a longer day than I had planned, and the reasoning for it (a Zoom interview for a younger, more gullible job) left me in a down state. In other words, editing out all the R-Rated curse word from hours of recordings seemed to be a daunting task.

If it is of any consolation to my podcast pals, my trip to Ally's Accessories Shop on Etsy Trash Feature Revue did not help my day. Stephen Gaghan directorial debut, "Abandon", was a theatrical concussion. I did not travel through time, but it felt like I lost actual time as if it was a physical commodity.

As for the impromptu conversation with the big sister, it centers around our Disney World trip, but we do chat about how Pixar once again perceives that the Mouse is treating them like a red-headed stepchild (With Ariel being black in the live-action remake, I think that is a fair metaphor.) since their next feature is going straight to streaming. Fans will not even be forced to spend $30 to watch it on Disney+. If you love Pixar, pay for it.

These stuck up fans realize these films have already been paid for? We are beyond the Kickstarter stage. Look how that worked out for "Valerian: City of 1000 Planets".

When it comes to what ThePoeticCritic is looking for, it centers around Jeff Goldblum. But she liked "The Suicide Squad", why ignore John Cena? I guess it easy to do to what you cannot see. But the Goldblum is on the same streaming service.

Beyond the vacation, I do my best to woo Sarah from Once Upon A T Shirt to make an appearance on this show. If it was not enough, my efforts have been dedicated to trying to find a $15 an hour gig with hopes of 40 hours weekly. This blog post is task enough. At least it serves as a distraction as I wait on unemployment to kick in.

Thanks ThePoeticCritic for giving me 40 minutes. There are essentially trailers for the next two episodes, so things are looking good for "NinetyForChill". Thanks for stopping by and helping out.

As for films that I am qualifying for NinetyForChill, who wants to beat TPC to "Earth Girls Are Easy"? As for non-Goldblum fair, "Under Siege" qualifies, so I have the knowledge for a Steven Seagal episode. Anyone up for a challenge?

My Twitter account is @catbusruss. This is where I want your hate to be directed if you disapprove. Otherwise, positive feedback would be best displayed as subscriptions to my podcast and five-star reviews. Lets work that algorithm.

If you think you have a film or franchise that you are an expert on. Send an email to Most franchises have at least one feature that will qualify for NinetyForChill. The runtime just needs to be between 74 and 99 minutes. We have four episodes to fill.
I have been asking for weeks for assistance in composing an episode dedicated to vampire features like "The Lost Boys" trilogy, "Near Dark", and the "Underworld" movies. Here is to hoping that this bunch of critiques will stir up some inspiration in my audience to step up and hold off on the garlic. If this is a topic you up for discussing, feel free to send an email to All I need is a half hour on Zoom to get this done.

I hope I am impressing or at the very least amusing you with this podcast and I am open to any and all criticism. My biggest want is more guests and more suggestions on what to chat about ( If we can get 3 hours out of "Little Nicky", the possibilities are endless. Thanks for visiting.

After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to

90-min. Redbox - "Bitten": Vampires and a Cute Side of the Mewes

"Bitten" is a flawed human/vampire sex romp that has been done better numerous times. (John Landis's "Innocent Blood" the Sean Patrick Flannery starring vehicle "Insatiable", etc.), but the nudity and a valiant effort from Jason "Jay" Mewes has to make this film better than "Twilight".

The infection that is "Twilight". I have heard good things about "The Runaways", but because of Stewart's involvement (before I saw her in Woody Allen's "Café Society" where she shined), I would rather see Mewes as Joan Jett, but I will digress.

Jack is a kind-spirited EMT (a stretch for Mewes) who has had no luck with women. His only friend is the veteran foul-mouth paramedic Roger. His outlook is a hopeless one, but then he finds the stunning Daneeka in a trash pile outside his apartment.

Being covered in blood, she appears to have been attacked. The only clue to what had happened are marks on her neck. Roger thinks she is an addict, but Jack is smitten with her and is determined to be with her no matter her flaws. At least that is how it starts off. Once he finds out what she is willing to go through to score, she maybe too much for him to handle.

"Bitten" is the most recent vampire flick that dealt with the feeding as an addiction. English films "Night Junkies" and "Vampire Diaries" were documentary style bombs that villainized the need to feed. Wales's "Cravings" is about making blood addiction a psychological issue, but the lack of a cohesive story stifles the breakout performance from Jaime Winstone. The American attempt, Starz's "Thirst", is fun but can only be appreciated as camp. Leave it to the Canadians to present a viewable version of the premise.

Why am I writing this review? I should drop things and write my take on blood junkies since no one seems interested in my no/low-budget, pro-wrestling zom-com "Main Event of the Dead". My writing is obviously adequate. If you would like a story treatment or have suggestions on how to get this project out of development hell, email Thanks.

IMDb - Bitten (2008)
IMDb - Bitten (2008)
"Bitten's" story has to be appreciated by giving us dynamic, multidimensional characters, so you do care about them. The biggest problem is with casting. Mewes has always been cast as Mewes (see "Feast"). His mentor in the film Richard Fitzpatrick is known for one dimensional roles (Police Chief from "The Boondock Saints" franchise). Erica Cox's character does not have enough to do in the film. They are just interesting enough, so you can appreciate the efforts of the cast, so the film is a bit of fun.

What really works for the film is the direction. The sets are lousy, but Harvey Glazer is fearless in what he shoots no matter how tasteless it can be. If there is any scene worth complaining about, it is the tedious nature of the threesome, but you can go and get some snacks during that (see my blogs "The Dark Knight Needed a Sex Scene, Where Was Harley Quinn" and "Sex Scenes and Who Is to Blame for Cyborg 2").

No one has mastered the bloodsucking addict genre, but "Bitten" shows that we are getting there. The acting is passable, the direction shows promise, but the story cannot come up wit a satisfactory resolution like every other film in this indie demographic. Not great, and "The Insatiable" and "Innocent Blood" are better comedies, but like all none pot-themed Mewes flick, it is a bit of fun.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

90-Min DVD dot Com: "Beneath Still Waters" and Far from Budget

Half the fun of watching Lionsgate DVDs is watching the trailers to foreign horror movies they had secured the American distribution rights to. It is about a one in three chance that the film is any good, but their trailers highlight the right things (gore, ridiculous premise, red ban, etc.) to put them in your queue. I am trying to think of one of these features that I had not anticipated seeing (How dare streaming deprive me of this.)

"Beneath Still Waters" was one that I had high hopes for. Yes, a lot of the distributor's films have decadent, Satanic orgies, but this film (trailer) is based on the concept of a modern under water city. This much makes it a cut above "Boy Eats Girl", "Cravings", "Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed", "Undead", etc.

In 1965, a dam was built to modernize Northern Spain. In the name of progress, a town had to be drowned. No one was there of course, except for the followers of the Satanic cult leader Mordecai Salas whom Mayor Borgia intended to stop via the dam's construction.

For 40 years, the evil was left submerged, but shortly after the mayor's death, Salas returns to destroy those who plotted his demise. As the dam's anniversary nears, madness spreads and zombies start to leave their watery tombs. The only person who may stand in his way is Clara, Borgia's granddaughter, but alcoholic photo journalist Dan Quarry and Clara's mother Teresa will not allow the burden to be hers alone.

"Beneath Still Waters" is amusing but that is a result of how corny it is. The chaos is comical since the evil that none of our lead characters experience is defined, and the underwater effects are just awful. There is some great implied gore, but the meaning behind that just is not there.

If the feature had a sense of humor like directors Brian Yuzna's "Bride of Reanimator", it could have been good DIY cinema. Still, the premise may just have been too ambitious. At least for half ass CGI that is.

Just because computers can create new worlds does not mean they should. If you cannot afford the usually expensive effects, do not try to use them. It comes across as insulting if your characters cannot properly interact with the artificial. All of the underwater sequences are a waste, so the film's gimmick is worthless. Because you do not care about the selling point, you will not care about the rest of the movie.

With children being decapitated is a tough premise to green light. Takashi Miike may have been able to make something out of the script for "Beneath Still Waters", and that is because he is a master of cheesy CG. Otherwise, this film was impossible to make without a sizable budget.

IMDb: Beneath Still Waters (2005)

Monday, January 10, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - Disney World & Eva's Disdain for Aristocats The #Podcast

Episode 51: Disney World and Eva's Disdain for Aristocats (Duchess was not responsible for my job loss.)

My working class kitty should not blame the spoiled for my job loss

Cool Movies Darth returns from Walt Disney World (and to unemployment) to deal with his fascination about "The Aristocats" backpack/purse sold in Orlando. He reviews the animated movie and discusses his trip to the most dangerous place on earth, Florida. Thanks Ron Desantis for another family member's Covid diagnosis.


I do not regret spending all my money on booze and a light saber, but it was difficult to say no to a $70 cat-themed bag. "The Aristocats" is fondly remembered, but did it do anything for Disney animation? It is tough to argue against "Ratatouille" having the ride at Epcot's France pavilion instead of this 52-year old film.

I wish I would have been able to get into more of the Disney World experience, but with no guest for this episode, the time was not there. Perhaps, ThePoeticCritic will return and chat about this trip, but that is a wait and see scenario.

Before the trip, the bank that I worked at decided to let me go because of my blog "Maine Event of the Dead". Since I have yet to mention their name, the gods know I am upset and depressed. This may have led to me having a slow start when it came to enjoying this vacation. But, once you get to know the parks, there maybe no better vacation spot.

Well, as long a Desantis is governor of the state, it is actually the most dangerous place on earth. Despite being raised conservatively, the Stevens are true patriots and not idiots. Too bad Florida encourages the false and the moronic. If it was not for booster shots, I would be prepping a lawsuit against the state.

A simple lesson for anyone who visits Orlando, a thousand people shoulder to shoulder is the same as being indoors. Wear a motherfucking mask and get the freaking shots. If I had to register to be drafted to fight for idealologies and oil, you can actually do something to care for your fellow Americans by being vaxxed and masked.

I have made it home Omicron-free, so I really should consider the trip to be a win. If I get IDES to straighten their files up, unjustly losing my job should not be that big a hit. Despite the lack of efforts by my big sister, a reservation was successfully made to get my ultimate light saber (Despite the lack of yellow kyber crystal, I did my best to pay homage to Rey...FYR.) and I am figuring out how to enjoy my time by myself.

I still wish my cat(s) were there, but you just have to pay attention to your surrounding. It sucks that the event did not happen till our last day at the parks, but I met a cool girl from Iowa who runs an Etsy shop. Smiles were shared thus egos were boosted. That is tough to find, so hopefully sharing a link to Once Upon A T Shirt will be respect enough.

My Twitter account is @catbusruss. This is where I want your hate to be directed if you disapprove. Otherwise, positive feedback would be best displayed as subscriptions to my podcast and five-star reviews. Lets work that algorithm.

If you think you have a film or franchise that you are an expert on. Send an email to Most franchises have at least one feature that will qualify for NinetyForChill. The runtime just needs to be between 74 and 99 minutes. We have four episodes to fill.
I have been asking for weeks for assistance in composing an episode dedicated to vampire features like "The Lost Boys" trilogy, "Near Dark", and the "Underworld" movies. Here is to hoping that this bunch of critiques will stir up some inspiration in my audience to step up and hold off on the garlic. If this is a topic you up for discussing, feel free to send an email to All I need is a half hour on Zoom to get this done.

I hope I am impressing or at the very least amusing you with this podcast and I am open to any and all criticism. My biggest want is more guests and more suggestions on what to chat about ( If we can get 3 hours out of "Little Nicky", the possibilities are endless. Thanks for visiting.

After WrestleMania Backlash, I will tell you that we need to take zombie pro wrestling back. My suggestion is that we finally get my low-budget zombie movie, "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. The script lacks a lumberjack match, so you know it has got to be better than the "Army of the Dead" advertisement. Ask for a treatment or give me suggestions on how to get it to a crowd-sourcing stage with an email to

Bonus: #ICC25: Tron - Back to the Grid with Ron Hernandez

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