The #Podcast
Episode 110: Cinematic Potluck with ThePoeticCritic

Cinematic Potluck with ThePoeticCritic
CatBusRuss's taking on a second job is providing him with fewer opportunities to record new episodes of NinetyForChill: The #Podcast. He will make time to create weekly content, but the world does not revolve around him. On top of that, where is the time for him to watch new movies? Fortunately, family stepped up to help him out this week. ThePoeticCritic has a lot to say about the state of cinema at the moment, and she wanted a platform. The two siblings have a boundless conversation to address their favorite actors, the upcoming and previous Oscars, and hopes of fewer comic book movies.
As for movie reviews, our host was able to watch Costas Mandylor of "Saw" fame star in a 2022 knock off of the franchise he is best known for with "Death Count". With that said, we never saw Det. Hoffman die. So could this be considered a spinoff?
CatBusRuss's taking on a second job is providing him with fewer opportunities to record new episodes of NinetyForChill: The #Podcast. He will make time to create weekly content, but the world does not revolve around him. On top of that, where is the time for him to watch new movies? Fortunately, family stepped up to help him out this week. ThePoeticCritic has a lot to say about the state of cinema at the moment, and she wanted a platform. The two siblings have a boundless conversation to address their favorite actors, the upcoming and previous Oscars, and hopes of fewer comic book movies.
As for movie reviews, our host was able to watch Costas Mandylor of "Saw" fame star in a 2022 knock off of the franchise he is best known for with "Death Count". With that said, we never saw Det. Hoffman die. So could this be considered a spinoff?
Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective.
I think I maybe use to the 50-(55)-hour work week at least in terms of exhaustion. My issue now is just finding time to do anything else. Perhaps I should have skipped the new job night out on my only day off between the two of them.
Not to say that I had a podcast recording lined up. As I stated in last week's blog, with plans to transition away from Podbean, there is not going to be a lot of pressure to try and force guests on to the show. Next week will be the "mega" version of my conversations about Adam Sandler with Joe Golwitzer. My anal-retentive nature is inspiring me to leave Podbean with a multiple of five for total episodes, so there maybe some bonus throwback episodes until my current subscription ends with the provider.
- Heath Ledger vs. Alan Tudyk.
- Our top ten favorite actors who are not Johnny Depp or Woody Allen.
- YouTube Rips vs. YouTube Rentals.
- The importance of cinematic duologies.
- William Hurt being like Johnny Depp and Woody Allen.
- Willem Dafoe's important works like "Streets of Fire" and "The Last Temptation of Christ".
- The 1988 Oscars.
- C2E2 2023 anticipation.
- And our hopes for better (or fewer) superhero movies.