Wednesday, November 30, 2022

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - Thanksgiving Weekend Horror: ThanksKilling, ThanksKilling 3, & Black Friday The #Podcast

Episode 96: Thanksgiving Weekend Horror: ThanksKilling, ThanksKilling 3, & Black Friday.

Skimble is as thrilled as I am about holidays

Thanksgiving Weekend Horror: ThanksKilling, ThanksKilling 3, & Black Friday

November 29, 2022

Cool Movies Darth is not really a Thanksgiving fan. The high school wrestling season started that weekend, so enjoying the feast was not really an option. Granted, NinetyForChill's host grew up a picky eater, so the holiday did not really offer anything for him. Let us not even get into familiar anxiety. Horror may be too extreme a term for the fourth week of November, but then came his career in customer service. So the "ThanksKilling" franchise and the Bruce Campbell produced "Black Friday" may be appropriate comfort viewing for the holiday season kick off.

Allow me to get out of third-person. Are we happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective.

I have been exhausted. This blog post is being composed the day after I dropped this podcast episode. There was 11.75 hours spent at my retail job on Black Friday. Not having a guest this week (as designed) lead to a last minute binge of movies. This should not have been a last minute task, but without having a guest secured yet for my December 6, there was no idea on similar movies to build up anticipation for that episode. With that said, send me an email if you want to be on the show. The address is

If this podcast was not my passion, I suppose being this busy is good. Too bad this means that I may not have the time to set up recordings before the next episode is due. With any luck, those hurdles will be worth it just for the sake of my ego. In other words, dates with romantic aspirations will hopefully keep me sane.

As I said, these films served as good comfort viewing. The binge made sure I did not take the past weekend too seriously. When you have a one dimensional puppet and actors who lack multiple of dimensions, if you get overly critical, you may end up scratching your eyes out.

I will not deny this, if I had a couple of robot friends, things would be even easier.

"ThanksKilling" was in my original Netflix digital queue 12 years ago. At that time, I was just embracing no budget movie making. For it to be successful, the story has to be told well and you must embrace your features shortcomings. Jordan Downey's film does this.

It seems the goal for Downey was to use this feature to encourage people to invest in a better movie. That is how we ended up with a Peter Jackson inspired sequel, "ThanksKilling 3".

So, lets get "Main Event of the Dead" off the ground. My no budget, zombie comedy just needs to get made. I promise you a better movie once I have that IMDb profile. Ask for the treatment of the screenplay by sending an email to

If my pro-wrestling movie does not get off the ground (Hopefully the Ta2Squid Podcast episode kaiju big battel zombie screenplay w/russ from cat bus will help with that), The Bruce Campbell produced "Black Friday" makes me glad that I work for a great retailer. In the event of an alien invasion, I have faith that my team will remain unified and be able to stand up to space zombies. That cannot be said of Marine Bank. There was a strong squad at one-time, but management has no spine or faith in us.

If you have worked for multiple retailers, you know that some of them have uncaring and/or out-of-touch management. "Black Friday" has a script and actors that capture that vibe. It takes a while to get going, but accurate archetypes will get you invested in this feature. There could have been more Bruce acting like Ash, but it is amusing enough. Amusing enough that I think it could be a new Holiday classic.

Who would have thought that Starz was aware of the potential of the direct-to-home releases they have in their line up? There spam emails almost make me consider maintaining a subscription. Almost being key.

Follow me on Twitter @catbusruss. If you want to be on the show, contact me on Twitter or send an email to All we need is a theme, movie, director, or actor and a focus on sub 100-minute material. As long as the credits start before the 1:39:59 mark on the runtime bar, the movie qualifies.

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